

  • Day 5 done. I am surprised that my abs are kinda sore today. Guess thats par for the course when I haven't done a sit up for a year lol
  • How was your day? Had a panic attack over circumstances in my life, but it caused me to be VERY productive. What were some challenges you experienced today that you were able to overcome? I forgot to eat until about 2pm, I'm so stressed over my cross country move, so much to do before next Monday! Where did you fail and…
  • How did your day go? Went good, stayed home all day and spent time with my kids. What did you do for exercise? Break it down for us! 30mins running and 30 mins abs, arms, squats What did you struggle with? Wanted to eat (snack) after I logged my food for the day. What are your wins for the day? I didn't eat at night and I…
  • My goal this month is to really hit it hard despite having to move from Colorado Springs, CO to Seattle, WA right in the middle of this month! I will have to figure out how to workout, even during the 4 day car trip across the states I am moving. I figure my hotels will have treadmills and my mom's house has one…
  • How did your day go? My day went good. What did you do for exercise? Break it down for us! Mowed the lawn, weed wacked, pulled weeds, and shoveled dirt for 3 hours. What did you struggle with? My house is dirty and my kids were acting up, this makes me want to eat junk food. What are your wins for the day? My yard and…
  • Hi, I joined Saturday, August 3rd, but I just found this group! Although, I didn't cheat, I worked out the past 3 days and logged my food so I am technichally still on track for this group! How did your day go? Okay What did you do for exercise? 1.5 miles on treadmill @4.5 pace (jog) and August Ab Challenge Group daily…