

  • Juice cleanse. You'll be hungry and miserable, but you will lose that much weight in 1-2 weeks. Make sure you come off slowly and only eat raw fruits and veggies for the first few days or the weight will come right back (and your GI system will be pissed). I know this isn't what the healthy lifestyle people want to hear…
  • Go to your doctor go to your doctor go to your doctor!!!! :) I'm not a doctor, but I'm a medical student, and I've had problems with this before, so I'll try to offer some minor suggestions, but really, GO TO YOUR DOCTOR!!!!!!!! Are you taking any supplements with iron in them? that can cause you to be bound up. You could…
  • ^^This OP didn't seem uncomfortable with the doctor mentioning her breasts... Doctors should be able to talk to their patients honestly, as long as he was respectful. If you don't feel comfortable talking to a male doctor about your breasts, get a female one -- I doubt that would have been perceived as "creepy" by some of…
  • I count food as being eating on the day it was when you woke up -- so if it's Wednesday when you wake up, and then you eat food after midnight and go to bed and wake up Thursday, that late night snack still counted for Wednesday. Waking up is what starts the new day, not the clock striking midnight (we aren't Cinderella!!)
  • Something that has really helped for me is to plan ahead -- I will pack my lunch and snacks for the day the night before, and log those calories. Also, I eat the same breakfast pretty much every day, so I log those too. I even log my coffee and creamer (I know just how much I need, and use the same amount every day). Then,…
  • This is actually true, for several reasons. This article points it out nicely: http://www.healthstatus.com/health_blog/body-fat-calculator-2/do-men-and-women-process-alcohol-differently/ I'm a med student so I get nerdily excited about stuff that happens in the body. It's very interesting to me about the hugely varying…
    in Alcohol Comment by emo1124 April 2013
  • My aunt took herbalife and developed afibrilation. The doctor said herbalife was the cause. Be careful.
  • I'm similarly sized (same height, started at 151), and I have been losing weight fairly steady with a net calorie intake of 1200-1300 (down 10 pounds since end of January). I eat back my exercise calories too, without feeling guilty at all :) You don't want to eat so little!! You will be miserable and never keep it up, and…