sarapeek Member


  • If you can't do a pull-up, people sometimes recommend that you hang on the pull-up bar and try for a little while. Works the same muscles, but probably looks pretty odd. Weirdest thing I've ever seen at the gym? Mine must be pretty tame. No parrots. Maybe the occasional guy with a seriously built upper body and skinny…
  • I often find that if I can just get started, I can work out even if I'm tired, and then I feel better afterward. That being said, I have a desk job. Maybe try alternate ideas, like morning or lunch workouts? Or focus on your days off of work?
  • "The Frog" sounds like a way to describe breaststroke to a kid.
    in Swimming Comment by sarapeek May 2012
  • You literally breathe it out. The molecules that make up fat are broken down into water and carbon, which becomes part of the CO2 that you exhale. (Of course I'm leaving out lots of complexity, but that's the basic idea.)
  • You don't have to be sore to burn calories, but it's possible you could be working harder, which would mean burning more. That being said, do what works for you! I don't know how much soreness varies from person to person. I've never heard anyone talk about that. It's possible you're just lucky. I'm sore _all the time_,…
  • I think I understand this, but I only do it in short bursts -- I may speed up my run in response to an angry thought, or if something I'm ashamed of comes to mind. But it's the exercise equivalent of slamming a fist on the table, just a short burst.
  • Running fast is a little bit like falling forward and catching yourself. Stand up straight with your feet together. Start leaning forward; when you feel like you're falling, you will step out and catch yourself. That's a pretty long stride for me, and that's what it feels like to run with a long stride. On the other hand,…
  • "If only I had an enemy bigger than my apathy, I could have won," Mumford & Sons.
  • Doing new workouts always gets me crazy sore -- exactly once. The first time I did lunges, it took me days to recover. The second time, exact same workout, I was a bit sore for one day, maybe two. Try it again. Your muscles will have learned from the first workout, and recovery will be faster. Keep up the good work!