Overdid my free weight beginner class- and starting HERBALIF

sorry have been offline this weekend- I took a new free weight class on monday and weds and literally was in soooo much pain thursday-sunday I just could not hardly stand. stairs I almost cried walking them on friday. called the gym they told me I was using diff muscles than the machines - I knew this- but was in tons of pain- they said 2nd day is the worst.. well fine but I CAN"T and WONT take a class where I have to be immobile for days afterwards and it literally was from weds- sunday aftenroon before I started to feel better.

I know my body- when I weighed myself and saw I gained 2.5 lbs i freaked.. I know muscle weighs more- but I also know me. If I dont see the change in the scale I bail on every program I do in the past. I lead a super hectic lifestyle with running the roads for people too. So I can't be sore and laid up and almost in tears trying to potty etc..

So yesterday I went to the gym and did 30 on eliptical and 10 on bike no resistance then did the eliptical level 3 hills. It was fine.. I need to just focus on lots of cardio. i know what I need to do to lose the weight- just gotta stick to what tworks:)) has anyone done HERBALIFE?? thinking of doing the shakes for am and lunch meals when I am so rushed..

Has anyone done Herbalife- i love the idea of shakes in the am and lunch and a good supper.. quick and easy- esp for me on the road alot and thats when I eat horribly!!!


  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    WOW. You did something seriously wrong.

    Oh, and you're retaining fluid. Your muscles are trying to repair themselves. This is not a big deal. :flowerforyou:
  • Skeemer118
    Skeemer118 Posts: 397 Member
    It's not any fun if you hurt yourself. I totally understand. This is why I didn't continue taking Judo. :ohwell: I agree with the previous poster, surely something went wrong. I've been lifting weights for nearly a month & have never been so sore that it upset me or I felt really awful physically. Do you think your trainer let you lift too heavy?
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Snap - those pains are apparently called doms and everyone gets them when they start out with weights (or so I am informed). I did legs on Friday and still cannot walk properly. I need to do weights as only done cardio up to now which is great for burning fat but not for toning muscle. I have another weights session with my PT Wednesday and I am hoping that I can walk properly by then.
  • wyze
    wyze Posts: 248
    When you start to lift weights, the scale will go up for the first few days and then goes back down. Figure out what you enjoy doing. Thats the only way you can stick to the program
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    I have found that the best way to bust the DOMS is to workout again. I know it sounds crazy, but getting the blood flowing and working out that soreness really helps it go away faster than not working out. It doesn't sound so much like actual pain as a lot of soreness, which are very different things. Anytime you work a new muscle group, you're going to retain some fluid because the body is working to repair it. You might take a day or two off, although, a good cardio session will really help even if it is the next day. Don't give up and don't throw away your money on a gimicky weight loss product. Just keep eating well and working out and things will get better.

    Take it from the Marines and remember that pain (or soreness) is weakness leaving the body.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    It's not any fun if you hurt yourself. I totally understand. This is why I didn't continue taking Judo. :ohwell: I agree with the previous poster, surely something went wrong. I've been lifting weights for nearly a month & have never been so sore that it upset me or I felt really awful physically. Do you think your trainer let you lift too heavy?

    I'd say her trainer wasn't watching her form. My trainer has me lifting sometimes to the point of fatigue. Yeah, I hurt afterward, but I can deal with it. It's not THAT horrible.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Only focus on lots of cardio if you want to be skinny and flabby... if you want to be skinny and tighter, then do cardio and weights.

    Yes weights suck at first but that soreness goes away the more that you do them.. and I always find that doing weights and then a yoga session takes away a lot of the aches and pains from lifting.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I use Herbalife and love it. It helped me shed 10 unwanted pounds!
    good luck to you
  • myf1101
    myf1101 Posts: 99
    You poor thing. Don't keep doing it if you were in so much pain, it's not worth it. Stick to what you know works. Don't waste your money on Herbalife if you are doing it for weight loss. I tried it last year and in 2 months I lost 3lbs in weight and over £200 in money terms. I did a cost-benefit analysis and found it was not worth the money. Slim fast and other milkshake replacement meals are cheaper and just as good. Hope this helps, if you want to know any more please asl.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Definitely don't let this one incident deter you from weight lifting in the future. I started lifting more regularly about 2 months ago and the first week was rough, but I went and did my 4 days and felt like I couldn't walk, I had a hard time lifting my arms up high enough to dry my hair. I couldn't hardly pick up my son, but week by week I find that this no longer happens...well...until I decided to try an Advanced Pilates class...now I have muscles that I didn't know existed feeling sore. That didn't stop me from lifting the next day though. Yesterday was my rest day and I have a crazy schedule today so I might not get to work out today, but tomorrow, whether I am sore or not you better believe I will be at the gym lifting and pushing through it. There's always a good side, the soreness will pass and your muscles will get used to the movements. Nothing that is happening to you right now is abnormal!! Good luck!
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    You poor thing. Don't keep doing it if you were in so much pain, it's not worth it. Stick to what you know works. Don't waste your money on Herbalife if you are doing it for weight loss. I tried it last year and in 2 months I lost 3lbs in weight and over £200 in money terms. I did a cost-benefit analysis and found it was not worth the money. Slim fast and other milkshake replacement meals are cheaper and just as good. Hope this helps, if you want to know any more please asl.

    disagree- I got great results using Herbalife and it was worth every pretty penny!
  • sarapeek
    sarapeek Posts: 9 Member
    Doing new workouts always gets me crazy sore -- exactly once. The first time I did lunges, it took me days to recover. The second time, exact same workout, I was a bit sore for one day, maybe two. Try it again. Your muscles will have learned from the first workout, and recovery will be faster.

    Keep up the good work!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    The pain and soreness become less and less, the more you work out. In the future, you may want to pace yourself a little slower, until you are used to the class. Eventually, you'll need to increase your weights and/or intensity to get much at all out of the class.

    The extra weight is basically the swelling of your muscles as indicated by the soreness. After the doms (delayed onset muscle soreness) eases off, the swelling will go down, as well as your weight.

    A little soreness is a good thing..means you are actually accomplishing something. Too much means you pushed too far and need to back off a little.

    Don't give up, keep at it!

    I've done herbalife...along with just about every other diet. It works, but the drawback is that you won't have learned how to eat so you don't gain weight (which is how you got here). And after you stop drinking the shakes, and eating, the weight may very well come back. Just my opinion...I want to make sure I am in control of my food (by eating real food) so that I never get fat again.
  • jbakerak
    jbakerak Posts: 76
    I've done herbalife...along with just about every other diet. It works, but the drawback is that you won't have learned how to eat so you don't gain weight (which is how you got here). And after you stop drinking the shakes, and eating, the weight may very well come back. Just my opinion...I want to make sure I am in control of my food (by eating real food) so that I never get fat again.

    That is a very good point. You don't JUST want to lose weight, you want to keep it off, and that usually requires a little bit of a lifestyle change. In food and in exercise. When I first started working out again I was very sore too, hurt to walk, sit, stand etc., but I kept working out (including doing what I could even on the worst days) , making sure to stretch the muscles and get the blood and oxygen flowing through them. I do still get sore from time to time when I try something different, but the pain is no where near as intense and it actually makes me feel good.
  • amyrobynne
    amyrobynne Posts: 64 Member
    The only time I have been excessively sore were for the 3 days after my first weight lifting class. I could barely brush my teeth. But it never hurt like that again.

    I've been having Herbalife shakes for breakfast for the past couple months, mainly to up my protein because I'm used to high-carb breakfasts and it's nice to have something fast. I keep losing weight, so I think I'll keep it up until I hit maintenance. I don't use their protein powder since it's so expensive -- I use their formula 1 and other protein that I got cheap.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I've done herbalife...along with just about every other diet. It works, but the drawback is that you won't have learned how to eat so you don't gain weight (which is how you got here). And after you stop drinking the shakes, and eating, the weight may very well come back. Just my opinion...I want to make sure I am in control of my food (by eating real food) so that I never get fat again.

    That is a very good point. You don't JUST want to lose weight, you want to keep it off, and that usually requires a little bit of a lifestyle change. In food and in exercise. When I first started working out again I was very sore too, hurt to walk, sit, stand etc., but I kept working out (including doing what I could even on the worst days) , making sure to stretch the muscles and get the blood and oxygen flowing through them. I do still get sore from time to time when I try something different, but the pain is no where near as intense and it actually makes me feel good.

    - Using this products has taught me a lot about my nutritional needs and goals and how to meet them through healthy foods. When you start this program-you SHOULD be assisted by a wellness coach. They can teach you a lot. I have lost all the weight I wanted and still use Herbalife protein/meal replacement shakes once a day. They provide great nutrition and help with muscle recovery. I made a lifetime commitment to health and fitness- this product will continue to be a part of my daily routine- just like exercise and good food choices.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Says the beachbody coach who sells Herbalife.... :huh:

    Okay.... I will touch on THREE things that I believe if you take to heart could have a serious impact on the way you are going about things here.

    1.) Herbalife... please dear god tell me why you think that this is better than eating a balanced healthy diet. Why? Eat at a caloric deficit and you will lose weight. Period. I DO NOT suggest you go all willy-nilly replacing meals with shakes to meet your goal. Why do I say that? Because it isn't sustainable. You aren't going to replace a meal with a shake forever, right? Let's be honest... the reason "meal replacement" shakes will help with weight loss is because you are replacing a potentially 500-600 calorie meal with a 180 calorie shake. What happens when you stop replacing meals? You haven't learned anything about nutrition and changing your eating habits in that case. If you don't feel like cooking one night, and you find it convineint, sure, drink a shake. But there are plenty better options, with more protien, less carbs, and hell of a lot cheaper!

    2.) We have ALL been there with the soreness. You experienced something called DOMS. "Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), also called muscle fever, is the pain and stiffness felt in muscles several hours to days after unaccustomed or strenuous exercise. The soreness is felt most strongly 24 to 72 hours after the exercise. It is caused by eccentric exercise. After such exercise, the muscle adapts rapidly to prevent muscle damage, and thereby soreness, if the exercise is repeated." This is pretty common for someone who has not worked a particular muscle group in a long period of time. And you know what it is? It's your body changing and getting stronger. After 1 bout of DOMS you VERY likely don't experience it again from the same exercise as your muscle re-generates as quickly as possible so that it doesn't experience the same injury. This class you took should NOT always cause "dabilitating muscle soreness" and will likely get SIGNIFICANTLY easier the more often you do it.

    3.) I cannot even begin to express to you the significance of strength training... Please be rest assured that if you want to look good in clothes AND without clothes that strictly cardio will not get you there. When you do the Eliptical and such you are burning muscle AND fat. When you likely hit your weight goal you will have a significantly higher level of fat than that of someone who also does strength training. Im not saying cardio is bad (although I dont do ANY cardio) or that it doesn't improve overall health and fitness... but it is going to put you right on the path of skinny fat. And who wants that?

    In my opinion you should focus on changing your lifestyle... not looking for quick fixes. You didn't gain the weight overnight and you know what? You're going to have to work your *kitten* off to lose it. There are days when you are going to be so sore you almost cant walk. There are going to be days when you go over your calorie goal. But in the end it is going to be TOTALLY WORTH IT!

    I would also lose the assumption that "weight loss" = "Fat loss" because that is hardly the case.

    Best of luck!

    I've done herbalife...along with just about every other diet. It works, but the drawback is that you won't have learned how to eat so you don't gain weight (which is how you got here). And after you stop drinking the shakes, and eating, the weight may very well come back. Just my opinion...I want to make sure I am in control of my food (by eating real food) so that I never get fat again.

    That is a very good point. You don't JUST want to lose weight, you want to keep it off, and that usually requires a little bit of a lifestyle change. In food and in exercise. When I first started working out again I was very sore too, hurt to walk, sit, stand etc., but I kept working out (including doing what I could even on the worst days) , making sure to stretch the muscles and get the blood and oxygen flowing through them. I do still get sore from time to time when I try something different, but the pain is no where near as intense and it actually makes me feel good.

    - Using this products has taught me a lot about my nutritional needs and goals and how to meet them through healthy foods. When you start this program-you SHOULD be assisted by a wellness coach. They can teach you a lot. I have lost all the weight I wanted and still use Herbalife protein/meal replacement shakes once a day. They provide great nutrition and help with muscle recovery. I made a lifetime commitment to health and fitness- this product will continue to be a part of my daily routine- just like exercise and good food choices.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    everyone has an opinion-and everyone should do what works for them.
  • LovelyDayDay
    LovelyDayDay Posts: 17 Member
    hi. i just started herbalife on saturday. i am taking the shake with protein and prolessa. im replacing my breakfast with this because im not that big of a breakfast eater. i think its simple to make and go=) i also drink the tea and the mango aloe vera. it keeps me full all together for about 3hours then i have a snack, then wait, then lunch. and if i get hungry in between lunch and dinner i have a shake. sometimes even after dinner ill pop a shake. you can do it different ways. my cousin does two shakes and one meal. im heavy i cant feed my body that.. i need a higher caloric intake.

    check out my food diary if youd like. =) good luck
  • vtpugs
    vtpugs Posts: 28 Member
    Sorry I meant to say I DO strength training too- I am using all the machines for both upper and lower body too and cardio too- so should be o.k.- I wont be doing free weights anytime soon.

    karen in vt..

    Says the beachbody coach who sells Herbalife.... :huh:

    Okay.... I will touch on THREE things that I believe if you take to heart could have a serious impact on the way you are going about things here.

    1.) Herbalife... please dear god tell me why you think that this is better than eating a balanced healthy diet. Why? Eat at a caloric deficit and you will lose weight. Period. I DO NOT suggest you go all willy-nilly replacing meals with shakes to meet your goal. Why do I say that? Because it isn't sustainable. You aren't going to replace a meal with a shake forever, right? Let's be honest... the reason "meal replacement" shakes will help with weight loss is because you are replacing a potentially 500-600 calorie meal with a 180 calorie shake. What happens when you stop replacing meals? You haven't learned anything about nutrition and changing your eating habits in that case. If you don't feel like cooking one night, and you find it convineint, sure, drink a shake. But there are plenty better options, with more protien, less carbs, and hell of a lot cheaper!

    2.) We have ALL been there with the soreness. You experienced something called DOMS. "Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), also called muscle fever, is the pain and stiffness felt in muscles several hours to days after unaccustomed or strenuous exercise. The soreness is felt most strongly 24 to 72 hours after the exercise. It is caused by eccentric exercise. After such exercise, the muscle adapts rapidly to prevent muscle damage, and thereby soreness, if the exercise is repeated." This is pretty common for someone who has not worked a particular muscle group in a long period of time. And you know what it is? It's your body changing and getting stronger. After 1 bout of DOMS you VERY likely don't experience it again from the same exercise as your muscle re-generates as quickly as possible so that it doesn't experience the same injury. This class you took should NOT always cause "dabilitating muscle soreness" and will likely get SIGNIFICANTLY easier the more often you do it.

    3.) I cannot even begin to express to you the significance of strength training... Please be rest assured that if you want to look good in clothes AND without clothes that strictly cardio will not get you there. When you do the Eliptical and such you are burning muscle AND fat. When you likely hit your weight goal you will have a significantly higher level of fat than that of someone who also does strength training. Im not saying cardio is bad (although I dont do ANY cardio) or that it doesn't improve overall health and fitness... but it is going to put you right on the path of skinny fat. And who wants that?

    In my opinion you should focus on changing your lifestyle... not looking for quick fixes. You didn't gain the weight overnight and you know what? You're going to have to work your *kitten* off to lose it. There are days when you are going to be so sore you almost cant walk. There are going to be days when you go over your calorie goal. But in the end it is going to be TOTALLY WORTH IT!

    I would also lose the assumption that "weight loss" = "Fat loss" because that is hardly the case.

    Best of luck!

    I've done herbalife...along with just about every other diet. It works, but the drawback is that you won't have learned how to eat so you don't gain weight (which is how you got here). And after you stop drinking the shakes, and eating, the weight may very well come back. Just my opinion...I want to make sure I am in control of my food (by eating real food) so that I never get fat again.

    That is a very good point. You don't JUST want to lose weight, you want to keep it off, and that usually requires a little bit of a lifestyle change. In food and in exercise. When I first started working out again I was very sore too, hurt to walk, sit, stand etc., but I kept working out (including doing what I could even on the worst days) , making sure to stretch the muscles and get the blood and oxygen flowing through them. I do still get sore from time to time when I try something different, but the pain is no where near as intense and it actually makes me feel good.

    - Using this products has taught me a lot about my nutritional needs and goals and how to meet them through healthy foods. When you start this program-you SHOULD be assisted by a wellness coach. They can teach you a lot. I have lost all the weight I wanted and still use Herbalife protein/meal replacement shakes once a day. They provide great nutrition and help with muscle recovery. I made a lifetime commitment to health and fitness- this product will continue to be a part of my daily routine- just like exercise and good food choices.