thistimesucess Member


  • Hi - I'm in a similar position to you. Over two years I lost 16kg - then put it all back on over the last year! So disappointed with myself and struggling to get motivated again - but knowing I can't live with this extra weight. I know it's not going to be a easy journey - I have some major life changes happening in the…
  • I'm a kiwi but living and working abroad in uganda. I was very active here a few years back - lost 17kg and was the fittest I've been in my adult life. Then early this year I broke up with my boyfriend of 4.5yrs and turned to food and alcohol to fill the gap as well as stopping exercise. 10kg later I'm feeling really…
  • When I was doing 30ds and wanted to focus on it, I would start doing the workout twice, or level 1 directly after which ever level I was on. This gave me almost 1hr of workout without changing my focus. At the moment I do 5-6 workouts a week between 45mind - 1hr 15mins.
  • SW - 66.83kg 12/8 - 66.8kg 3 weeks holiday 1/12 - 67.8kg 1/19 - 67.46kg 1/26 - 67.0kg 2/2 - 67.1kg GW - 64kg Not the best week - too many social engagements
  • SW - 66.83kg 12/8 - 66.8kg 3 weeks holiday 1/12 - 67.8kg 1/19 - 67.46kg 1/26 - 67.0kg GW - 64kg Almost lost my 0.5kg goal this week (0.46kg lost). Next week's goal is to keep the same loss and also burn another 2000cals (which I also did this week). Rather than switching it up I'm aiming to consolidate what I am already…
  • Cheese, bread and chocolate, I've got to limit all of these in the house.
  • What group has everyone signed up for? I'm down for weight loss intermediate. I've been trying a few of the recipes and enjoying them, I can't wait to also tackle the exercise program!
  • SW - 66.83kg 12/8 - 66.8kg 3 weeks holiday 1/12 - 67.8kg 1/19 - 67.46kg GW - 64kg So that's a loss for me of 0.34kg.
  • Due to this thread I decided to join up as well. Really looking forward to getting a new lease in life for my weightless journey. There is a group set up under the grups section in community on here - it's called something like 12wbt round 1 2014.
  • I want to hit my target of 2000 calories burned in exercise this week and to loose 0.5kg
  • SW - 66.83kg 12/8 - 66.8kg 3 weeks holiday 1/5 - 68.5kg 1/12 - 67.8kg GW - 64kg Slowly getting rid of the excess holiday weight. Goal for next week is to loose 0.5kg.
  • I'm looking at starting nmtz again this week doing it on alternate nights to c25k.
  • If you swipe from the left on the iPhone you will get the tab
  • Hi - I'm back from my 3 week holiday. I did ok while away - I aimed to put on a maximum of 1kg, however the final result was 1.5kg (and I can feel it!). But I'm ready to get back on track and complete this 90 day challenge. I am trying a new strategy this month of not eating back my exercise calories so let's see how that…
  • Hi everyone - I'm leaving tomorrow for a 3 week holiday including 2 weeks on a cruise. I'm not sure how often I can clock in over that time but will definately be back in the new year!
  • Two years in January and still checking in every day I can.
  • Exercise at least 3 times Keep within calories even when there are aocial functions - plan ahead!
  • SW - 66.8kg CW - 66.6kg GW - 64kg
  • I think I filled in something wrong - I got 24 and I'm 41. I know I'm not that fit!
  • Hmmm - week one has been interesting for me. I've worked out 5 times and generally been ok with eating (2 days slightly over), but I'm now 1.5kg heavier than a week ago. I'm pretty sure it's fluid but still discouraging to see that number on the scale.
  • I've started again this month but won't be consistent as I'm travelling. But for me it's the best exercise to bring my middle back to the shape I want. Do you have a group started or posting on this thread with updates?
  • 41 and no kids - by circumstances not choice. But proud aunt of 10 nieces and nephews who I love spoiling when ever I travel back to that side of the world. Would love more friends in this category.
  • My goal tha week was to do 30 day shred every day. I missed last night due to working late, but otherwise have done every day even whe now as full of a head cold. Two more days to finish the week and I'm determined to make it 6/7 days this week. Good effort to those who are keeping to their goals.
  • A huge congratulations! It is so obvious from your photos but more so from your post what a life changing experience this has been. Keep up the great work - who knows what the next 365 days will bring.
  • Like others I can't pick a favourite, but some books I've read recently and really enjoyed are: The night circus - a book full of magic for adults The unlikely pilgrimage of Harold fry Gone girl
  • SW - 66.83kg GW - 64kg
  • My first goal was to do a jillian michaels workout every day, so that's this weeks challenge.
  • Hi everyone. I've joined this group because I have finally broken through an eight month plateau and I want to keep the momentum going. My goals are: Complete a jillian michaels workout every day between now and dec 23 (except the days I am flying) Survive a 2 week cruise over Christmas and New Years with maximum of 1kg…
  • The only way I keep my middle in shape is doing a mixture of jillian michaels workouts. I know some people hate her, but every time I stop doing them for any length of time my waist is the first area to expand. I mix up 30 day shred, no more trouble zones and banish fat boost metabolism.
  • Wow - I've just come back to this post after starting it in January. Many of the responses here are the reason I generally avoid posting on forums. I asked a simple innocent question and majority of the replies have nothing to do with what I asked. I did NOT ask whether crossfit was any good - I had done my own research…