mlemore1965 Member


  • Hahaha! I agree. Thank goodness for my music and the tvs. The only part of cardio i love it the release of endorphins I get when I run. "Endorphins are a group of peptide hormones that occur naturally in the brain that, when released, increase your body's threshold for pain and affect the way you feel emotionally.…
  • You are amazing! You can do anything you set your mind to and inspire us all. You rock Corrie!
  • Hi aslm, I have a MIO PINK Motiva Petite HRM. You should only wear your HRM while working out. We all burn calories while sleeping, sitting, talking, etc. The HRM is to make sure you are getting the most out of your workout. I hope this helped.
  • Thank you rockerbabyy, that was helpful.
  • I'm up for it. My goal weight is 130, I weigh 157 as of last Saturday, I'm 5'4". That's 27 pounds by September.
  • I am grateful that i'm feeling better I am grateful that I still have a job I am grateful that I found this site I am grateful that I can express myself through photography I am grateful for my family I am grateful that God is all around me
  • Thank you all for your words of encouragement and great advice.