Maximallife You Rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wink:
Amen sista! We are here to support each other. If anyone is not supportive and on this site I pose this question.......WHY???
I sooo agree with MANDAMAMA!!!!!!! I realize that there are two sides to every story. It sure does sound like you are putting a lot of effort into this and he is just complaining. If he really loves you he will use his brainpower to help you both be able to spend more time together. Unless, you are finding yourself hiding…
Correct me if I am wrong or misinformed.......I was always taught that anything eaten after 8pm turns to fat. What is the truth here???? Good question.
Hey There! I agree it can get lonely here. Feel free to add me and we can support each other. Let's get rid of these extra lbs!!!!!!
Hi. I am new to this and we can motivate each other. I would be happy to support your endeavor. Will you support mine?
You great attitude superceeds your having a bad day. I log my food as I go. That way I know how many calories I have left for the day. For me it works ,otherwise I would be eating everything in sight lol. This holds me accountable.
Hey, this hippo needs support! Which one of you can motivate me??? New here in this calorie counting jungle. 5lbs. down and a long way to go.........I will do it though!
Parade around a whole person smaller! I am with ya on the new tat. I got my first tat last year and am now addicted lol. Buy a Harley!