HELP I need to find friends and motivation...any extras anyo

I had lost a total of 50lbs... then i started school full time again, on top of juggling a 2yr old and 40hrs of work... i just gained 10lbs back...i really need to get back on track..... i have 4 friends on here... i think i need more support to keep me motivated.....when it is much easier when my best friend was logging on like me but i can't get her to do it anymore.... i am looking for others who can help me continue my journey.


  • diamondpinksky
    hi i would love to help you ... and 10 lbs could only be fluid which is easy to take off... it looks like you do alot of running around, when do you have time for your self?
  • JoMcDonald
    I will gladly join forces with you :) My name is Jo and I'm 32 - I have two 12 year olds, so I understand the craziness that goes with being a mom!

    Sending you an invite :)
  • fatgirlslove
    fatgirlslove Posts: 614 Member
    I'm always looking for serious fitness pals :-)
  • arbellas
    arbellas Posts: 40 Member
    Feel free to add me! Support really helps. And I know how easy it can be to get off track while going to school full time.
  • JoMcDonald
    That's true, I forgot to mention that I am also in school full time, it does make things even harder, doesnt it....
  • Candida1983
    I am new to this. I have been signed up for months but have just gotten on here today because my friend has lost 32 pounds using this site and good eating and working out habits. I would be more than happy to be your friend and to help encourage and motivate you. :smile: Congratulations on your weight loss this far! :happy:
  • tenshiblue
    tenshiblue Posts: 150 Member
    Sent you a friend request. It sounds like you have a crazy busy schedule! I work full time and last year also went to school part time. Between my schedule and my own laziness, I've put up quite a bit of weight. Let's hope we can motivate each other to improve our health.
  • Christine42012
    Hey I'm more than happy to help ya out. Shoot me a request!
  • eochoa
    eochoa Posts: 3 Member
    The only me time is in my car on my way from home to school or work.... i am two terms away from my bachelor's degree in criminal justice so its almost over.... :)
  • WolffRN
    WolffRN Posts: 48
    HI! I've been on here, but just started to get serious! I need motivation too! Would love to encourage you!

    I work part time as an RN, have two teenage boys (always driving to one sporting event or another), married, and just got a new puppy who is also keeping me busy. WE MUST TAKE TIME FOR OURSELVES!! Otherwise we wont be any good for our family!

    And dont be so hard on yourself!! You've lost 50 lbs!!! I have just started and have 60lbs to go. We can do it. Good luck to us!!
  • steffihoney
    I sent you a friend request.
    I am sure that if you lost it once, you can lose it again. :happy:
  • duhad
    duhad Posts: 4
    I'm new to the site and would love to be your motivational buddy as well as have you be the same for me! I'm a new mom (can I still call myself that when my little girl is almost a year old) and am desparately wanting to get back into working out, eating right, etc. I make excuses about not having time but the fact is I just don't make the time. In the morning it's too rushed and at night I'd rather spend my awake time with my baby! By the time she's in bed and we've gotten ready for the next day, I'm too pooped! I'm trying to work out a little on my lunch break at work but could use motivation as well!! We can do this!!!!
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Hi - I'm Suzy. Been on MFP for about a month and have found it very useful and motivational. I'm looking to lose about 20-25 lbs. Please feel free to add me.
  • xgetfit
    I need motivation too so im in! just joined dont know how to use this thing...
  • stellanne
    stellanne Posts: 4 Member
    Hello, I joined the programme yesterday and still 'feeling' my way around the site. Initially it looks very good and reasonably easy to use. Looking to having friends help me discover the best way to use the site and keep me motivated x x x hugs x x
  • sophiababes
    anyone add me , im new to this and finding it really hard
    Hi. I am new to this and we can motivate each other. I would be happy to support your endeavor. Will you support mine?
  • hbiffle
    hbiffle Posts: 156 Member
    Welcome!! I've been using MFP for a few months and love it!!! I'd be glad to help keep you motivated if you'll keep me motivated too!! Good luck!!!
  • SLN11
    SLN11 Posts: 210
    Hey guys, the more the merrier anyone who wants too add me please feel free we could all use more friends, support and motivation :)
  • Jessica0982
    Jessica0982 Posts: 209 Member
    You can do this! Everyone here is so awesome for support. I only joined MFP a week ago and I'm hooked. I love the people, the advice, the food diaries, etc. It's a great support system and motivator!

    The best part about this site is that everyone is in the same boat! So we can all relate to one another and help each other!