

  • Hi, We have this class at our gym, and I tried it once. It's not for me. I have muscular legs, and for some reason I believe this will tone them even more. I cannot speak for you, and perhaps you should try it.
  • Hi, My cousin in on the Cabbage Soup diet, and is trying to convince me to try it. I am wondering whether anyone here has tried it? If so, what is your opinion? Thanks.
  • Thank you! I am trying to change to brown rice, but I am not sure I will like it.
    in Help! Comment by Nery09 February 2009
  • Yes. I thought about calculating the meals prior to eating. Thanks for the advice.
    in Help! Comment by Nery09 February 2009
  • I am hispanic, and I am having a really tough time with losing weight. I am trying to reduce portions instead of going on a strict diet. I joined this site just yesterday, and I am doing horrible in the foods section. I ate one rib today which turned out to be approximately 650 calories. Needless to say, I went over my…
    in Help! Comment by Nery09 February 2009
  • Hi, It okay to free alot of meals, but pasta does not taste the same.
  • Hi, I suffer from depression and recently stopped taking medication. It is a daily struggle, but I truly believe the medication caused some of my weight gain. I am hoping that I can follow my exercise routines and eat healthy. It's hard, but be as determined as possible. I am not sure if you go to the gym, but I find that…
  • Hi, I am so glad I found this site and hope to find alot of my answers here. I am at least 8 Ibs over weight, and it is driving me crazy.
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