Raqfox Member


  • I usually try and do it before I eat. If I do it after dinner, I try and wait at least an hour.
  • I would start with cooking meals at home. You have total control over everything. Leafy greens, root vegetables, beans and legumes. Start small.
  • How long are you waiting until you shower? Sometimes after I work out I don't shower right away, and I might break out on my back. Letting sweat dry on you will cause problems fast. Or maybe try and wipe with a towel if you can't shower right away.
  • Yeah make sure you are on correct form. I did a back to back, level 1 and then level 2, and the next day my knees were killing. I took a few days off where I did nothing, to try and recover.
    in Knee Issues Comment by Raqfox May 2012
  • I tried eating before exercise but I found I like to exercise first then eat. I feel lighter and more energetic.
  • I am taking my time with it. I started April 1 and am just now getting into level 2. Bad form my first day at level 2 put me out for a few days but I have recovered and am now doing the advanced moves, which are killer. I plan to go through the whole video again, though, when I finish!
  • With coconut granola! Also, honey and fruit.
  • I am a fan of greek yogurt with granola and dried fruit. Also oatmeal - at the moment I am particularly in love with baked pumpkin pie oatmeal. You could also cook up an egg, top with ham or canadian bacon, a slice of cheese, and throw it on a english muffin.
  • I have recently taken to slicing it, then drizzle olive oil, lemon, sea salt, and pepper and eating as a side to a sandwich or something.
    in Avacado Comment by Raqfox March 2012