wickednitsch Member


  • I made spaghetti squash last night with garlic, shrimp, kale and diced tomatoes. It was SO good.
  • I've had the One for about two years now and love it. I don't know about the calories but my step count is absolutely accurate and my device still holds a charge for about a week before needing to be plugged back in. It definitely motivates me. I find I was much more motivated after adding friends. I can see how I rank on…
  • Pros: teaches you GREAT weight lifting exercises and is a good intro for anyone who is intimidated by "that side of the gym; the plan is clear and perfect for those of us who want a LOT of guidance; will tone and "cut" those who are at a healthy weight but unhappy with shape Cons: diet was too restrictive for me to be…
  • You ran more than a 5K! That's HUGE! And don't rely on the scale too much after you push yourself to new limits. Your muscles are holding on to fluid so they can grow. Let the tape measure be your guide when you're watching your diet AND changing fitness routines. Congrats!
  • A friend of mine once pointed out that the more weight we carry, the more tired we look because fat accumulates everywhere - even in our eye area. Since she said that I have really been noticing it in MFP posters' before & after pics. Check your pics. You look far more awake in your second picture because you don't have as…
  • Does this mean you will get a tattoo to celebrate your victory when you hit goal? :laugh: Congratulations!
  • I LOVE IT!! Thanks for sharing the positivity. Cheers.
  • If my weight really bothers me, change it! And if you don't want to change it, don't complain about it. <--- I needed to read that this morning. I also appreciate your honesty about days that you weren't so disciplined. Getting back up and staying focused is what I need to practice. Thank you for sharing.
  • Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting this! I have been wondering about the same thing. I have been shampooing every day and my hair looks terrible! And thanks to all of you who answered. :flowerforyou:
  • Monday morning I stepped on the scale and it said I had gained 10+ pounds over the weekend! :sad: I was devastated and baffled and depressed and everything that goes along with gaining weight. I was SO turned off by food. I ate thoughtfully and logged diligently. I had to go grocery shopping that evening. I shopped…
  • ^^^^^ Totally agree! I mean really, you want him to move out there and live separately from you while you try out this exciting new job opportunity. But that's not possible and now you have a choice to make. Long distance, move in together, call it quits or turn down the job?
  • Oh, I will be stealing that wonderful saying. I graduated 3rd in my class before heading to undergraduate and then graduate school. I received a 4.0 for both of my degrees. I am a licensed professional and make enough that my husband could quit his job tomorrow and I could support our household. I also have a sleeve of…
  • I recently started going to the gym regularly about a month ago. We do not have full length mirrors in our home so when I looked in one at the gym and saw what my butt and thighs looked like from behind I was outright angry that my sweet and kind husband had been telling me how good I look all this time. :noway: But here's…
  • I have only lost 1 pound in the past month, but... I have been in the gym 22 of the last 30 days. I have entered and become a regular of the (previously intimidating) free weights section of the gym. I am down 3.5 inches. I have stuck to a weight lifting regimen and learned the lifting basics and can lead myself in a…
  • Yeah, and stupidity is sometimes a man who thinks all women are the same.
  • :laugh: Yeah, that's a charming sentiment, isn't it?
  • I work with people who are getting out of abusive relationships and don't trust their own instincts for selecting a partner because of that bad experience and this is EXACTLY what I suggest they do. I am always amazed at how resistant people are to the exercise. Knowing what you will NOT put up with is essential. My…
  • I love this! Thanks to all who have contributed. (bump)
  • Just has to be a PR? Well then, for those of you feeling bad about the AMAZING weight you are lifting just because it is less than someone else's, here is my two PRs for the week: 1. I made it to the gym every day so far this week (count 'em folks, that's 3!) and actually worked a weight lifting program, and 2. When I went…
  • I agree.
    in poll Comment by wickednitsch April 2012
  • This is exactly the kind of thing I was looking for. Thanks so much!
  • Thanks for this thread! I focus so much on the long-term that I forget this is a day-by-day challenge. So inspiring! 1. Stay within my calorie range by sticking to my eating plan (hard because I have to make dinner for clients tonight) 2. Get a short walk in during my work break 3. No snacking when I get home late 4. Log…
  • Try to track your foods as you eat them instead of just logging everything at one time. This will make you more accountable and considerate as you go throughout the day.
  • I work full-time, take two night classes and do a 16 hour/week internship right now. I'm typically out of my house from 8:30am to 9:30pm every day. Trying to lose weight with this schedule requires some planning but a LOT more determination. It is so easy for me to tell myself I don't have time to do it, but it's also just…
  • If I'm out I order Vodka and water. After recovering from the strange looks I put half a packet of Crystal Lite to go in my glass. I like the white grape flavor. If it's going to be a long night I put in the Strawberry/Energy flavor. It's like my "skinny" Redbull & Vodka.
  • GW: 160 CW: 204 SW: 224 Height: 5'4" Age: 34 Sex: Female
  • It's funny to see this posted because I was just updating my workout playlist. I also like the tempo of techno when I work out. Hard, angry rock or rap also works for me. It's crazy how eclectic my workout music can be. Here are some of my favorite workout artists: Armand Van Helden, Wolfgang Gartner and Charles Feelgood…