ElmFive10 Member


  • I can't see your diary but just remember that 300 calories isn't hard to come by. You could have a glass of milk and a glass of orange juice to hit that. (Thats how I upped my calories) Most peoples issues are with eating too much so if you're concerned about it you are probably doing just fine! 25-30 lbs is a good amount…
  • I get what you're saying about Mediterraneans! I work with a lot of people from Greece, Lebanon, Syria etc.. My friend was saying oh they must not eat, but I told her they do eat! Huge lunches every day. And then that's about it! lol. I personally do the same.
  • I just changed my goal from 2 lbs to 1.5 and guess how many calories I got? 9. WTH? I'm very confused. And frustrated. And sad. Oh well, guess I'll just keep doing what I'm doing and see what happens. :ohwell:
  • Oh no, I hope I'm not too late! Being a certain weight by Christmas was my original goal from joing MFP so this challenge is near and dear. Since plateauing (relapsing) after only 7 lbs. I'm not sure I can get to my original goal but I guess I'll try... :blushing: Location: Virginia, US I Like: Wine, Food, Project Runway I…
  • Actually those people are typically large/overweight. Hawaii, Samoa, even Mexico eat EXTRA sugary fruits like pineapples and mangos everyday and they are naturally big people. Not to be a huge jerk, but think of your stereotypical Hawaiian -- fat!
  • I would handle it like a birds and the bees talk. At 13 all girl's bodies change. I'm sure her metablolism has changed from the time she was an adolescent and could eat chips and candy and burn it off by riding bikes in the cul de sac or what have you... It's all hormones and puberty and a ton of really not-fun grown up…
  • Bump! Sounds amazing, can't wait to try!
  • Thanks for the advice :happy:
  • Congratulations! When I got pregnant I had recently lost about 40 lbs and I was soooo scared to gain it all back. The diet changes I made were really easy. I just made sure that I ate full meals instead of "snacks" and I started drinking milk. (Also prenatal vitamins!!) I worked out until I was 8 months and then I stopped…
  • I have no scientific answer but I definitely believe this is true. And it's obviously different for everyone. The only weight I can comfortably maintain (without diet and exercise) is 155. If I want to get any lower than that I have to work out.