So, I'M PREGNANT... Now what?



  • ElmFive10
    ElmFive10 Posts: 12 Member
    Congratulations! When I got pregnant I had recently lost about 40 lbs and I was soooo scared to gain it all back. The diet changes I made were really easy. I just made sure that I ate full meals instead of "snacks" and I started drinking milk. (Also prenatal vitamins!!) I worked out until I was 8 months and then I stopped because I was lazy... :blushing: I gained a total of 29 lbs and I lost it all within 3 months.
    My only advice is to not get lazy. That will carry on after you have the baby and it will be really, really hard to get out of that habit. Exercising with a little one is tough so stick to a healthly lifestyle throughout.
  • Mookz0r
    Mookz0r Posts: 143
    Listen, my doctor is from England and he is appalled at how much American women gain when they are pregnant. Like most have said, you only need to up your calories by 200 and continue your exercise and healthy eating. He said in England some women don't gain anything and less then 10lbs is ideal. I nearly fell over when he said that, but it is true. The whole gain 35lbs is totally unnecessary.

    Um... LESS THAN 10 POUNDS? I had a 9 lb, 2 oz baby... that plus all of the other added things during pregnancy (increased blood flow, etc, not to mention water retention) already puts me quite a bit over 10 pounds... and everyone else who has a baby of a average size (which I'm guessing is 7 pounds or so) would be right at 10 pounds at least. Glad he's not my doctor.... I gained a ton of weight during pregnancy (not all due to good decisions... but mostly water weight too because all but 10 pounds was gone 2 weeks after delivery)

    yeah - lol - the placenta, fluid and baby alone weigh 14lbs!

    Your doctor sounds a bit off the mark, tbh - the normal weight gain is around 10-15kg, so about 20-30lbs and midwives (the ones who actually look after the health of pregnant women in the UK) know this are aren't obsessed about weight gain. I put on around 18kg in each of my pregnancies and they didn't bat an eyelid - however, OBGYNs in Dubai - who follow a more American approach - would have been freaking out... they would have also told me that my then-unborn baby was "overweight" (born at 8lb7 and 8lb12 respectively)

    To the OP - don't worry about weight gain. As long as you're eating healthily, eating when you're hungry and feeling well, you'll be fine. Exercise is good, but if you feel your body protesting, ease off. Be aware that your ligaments will become more and more relaxed (in readiness for the birth) and so there will be more joint movement and it's easier to damage them. Because the relaxin hormone stays with you for a while after the birth, it also means that any damage stays with you for longer because your body doesn't register it's damaged so well.
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    I cant help with calories or eating well since I gained over 60 lbs with my first pregnancy and gained back everything I lost from giving birth just in time to get preg again 18 months later. I did however lose 25 lbs with my second pregnancy but that was because I was over weight to begin with and had gestational diabetes.

    Anyways my point in posting is that if you to to before you log in on the right hand side at the top is other sites that are apart of spark and there is i think it is. Its free and its just like mfp and spark and its free and its all about pregnancy before and after and during. good luck and congrats.
  • fxdl2k2
    fxdl2k2 Posts: 250 Member

    I just shared this article with a co-worker who is in her 4th month. She loved it, maybe it will be helpful for you too.’re-pregnant
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Listen, my doctor is from England and he is appalled at how much American women gain when they are pregnant. Like most have said, you only need to up your calories by 200 and continue your exercise and healthy eating. He said in England some women don't gain anything and less then 10lbs is ideal. I nearly fell over when he said that, but it is true. The whole gain 35lbs is totally unnecessary.

    Um... LESS THAN 10 POUNDS? I had a 9 lb, 2 oz baby... that plus all of the other added things during pregnancy (increased blood flow, etc, not to mention water retention) already puts me quite a bit over 10 pounds... and everyone else who has a baby of a average size (which I'm guessing is 7 pounds or so) would be right at 10 pounds at least. Glad he's not my doctor.... <snip>

    This is what crossed my mind as well. Perhaps that doctor meant severely OVERweight/obese women should gain less than 10 pounds. :wink:

    My mother weighed about 120 when she got pregnant with my brother and gained 19 pounds. She lost 17 with birth and he weighed under 8 pounds.
    If you eat healthy & stay active during pregnancy, you shouldn't really gain more than 25 pounds and you'll lose the vast majority of that weight right after delivery. :smile:
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    I went from 135 to 179 (44 pounds) I ate what i wanted when i wanted. I lost all the weight and back in my regular size by Christmas... June 7 to Dec 25 (6 months), BUT i did watch what i ate after! I was told DO NOT exceed 124 BPM heart rate. while working out! BUT i didnt work out AT ALL!!

    If i were to do it again... I would: Watch what i eat the WHOLE time!! Do what people say and just add 200 calories to my diet. I would DEFFINTALY.... invest in yoga DVD's... Regular/ Pregnate ones... which ever.. i would do those 5 times a week NEVER skipping a DAY that's the main key.. DO NOT skip a day !! take 1 week off before the baby's arrival

    CONGRATZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Mine said 140BPM for max...

    Anyway, ask your doctor and he/she will give you all the info you need. Congrats! Happy and Healthy pregnancy to you!