sunshine4me Member


  • You look really good! Excellent work!
  • 773 calories in a cup of sugar. 128 ounces in a gallon.serving of 8 ounces. 773 calories of sugar divided by 128 ounces =6.0390 calories per ounces x 8 ounces = 48.31 calories per 8 ounce glass.
  • I use to drink diet Pepsi as if it were the only drink in the world. I knew it was unhealthy, in the quantities I was taking in and I tried a few times to quit but could not seem to do it. I began having trouble with indigestion. It was so bad they scoped my stomach. Fortunately.. nothing serious except some really bad…
  • I would recommend you try making a list of small goals like getting your breakfast routine down or kicking a problem that you have... One of mine was an addiction to diet soda! (There are many others) I had to learn that this is who I am today... not forever. It got so bad I didn't even want to go to work. Couldn't wear…
  • Amazing! That is... your journey, and your new look!! Thanks for the inspiration!
  • you are amazing! Thanks for the uplifting photos!
  • Hope's all we have! You are still gonna wake up the next morning.You might as well make every day a new start! I've just been staying at the same weight for months because I'm learning what I can and can't do. New ways of coping, things that work and don't! Keep it an adventure to better health!
  • You are an amazing human being! You have recognized a need for change and are here to do something about it. Since you get to be at home you have the opportunity to add more movement into your life. I suggest a little dancing in the kitchen to your favorite song, you can start with one song and work up to a whole cd. Just…
  • I'm 51, kids are grown but I would love to receive a friend request to help each other with support. I'm finding everything a little bit harder at this age.
  • I don't know how old you are but I am 51 and it took me two months to get my metabolism to a point where it would start losing weight. If I don't exercise I don't lose anything either. I suggest you stay with it a bit longer.
  • Love me some Wintzell's Oysters on Dauphine Street!!!!!
  • New books Fresh Baking bread Coffee before I brew it Laundry dried outside
  • Orlando Florida sending sunshine!
  • Grim, Grinning Ghosts come out to socialize!
  • I'm trying to lose about the same. Add me as a friend if you like.
  • Welcome Back! I'm trying to lose about the same amount of weight! Please add me if you like I would love to chat!
  • Welcome Aboard! Glad you are here!I have 62 pounds to lose, so add me if you like. This is not easy, especially the aches and pains part although you may not have as many. I will be 51 in August so my body hurts every once in awhile just on pure principle! I'm finding that since I am changing out foods I don't crave as…
  • Orlando Florida
  • Dance with the Baby!! Start with one song and work from there. Rest when he rests! Congratulations on your healthy Baby!!
  • Yep ! Some of them are like that. Let me share a secret with you. Some people like to use FOUR letter words, and I have a favorite!! "NEXT". There are way to many physicians out there to be stuck with one you feel uncomfortable with. It took me two years to find a physician I was comfortable with when I first moved to…
  • That's a wonderful thing! Congratulations! Hope I can do as well as you have!
  • WOW! I just started walking and jogging my way through a 5k, I am totally impressed. Good Luck! I will use you as motivation. Add me as a friend if you like!
  • Seems to me you have a lot going for you! You have managed to get a fresh start, in a city where no one knows your past and a new job that will allow you to recreate your whole life. All you need to do is start looking at the glass as half full not half empty! You are a lovely young woman who can now recreate herself into…
  • * approximately 25 calories in each ounce or 28g of edible banana. Read more:
  • Yuur not stupid ! Your venting! And that is a reasonable thing to do! It will after all affect your state of mind and hence your weight! You didn't say whether or not you were divorcing but I suggest you take a time out and give yourself and your spouse time to evaluate the situation. If you decide that you need to be on…
  • Welcome! Sounds like you are off to a great start!! I think the smartest thing you did is to start off slow!!! As you go along you will find there are many things you can do to increase your fitness, substitute a food, add vitamins and minerals etc. I you try to do all of these changes at once it becomes overwhelming. May…
  • Congratulations! I hope you reach your goal but try not to be hard on yourself! It won't do anything but push you in the wrong direction!! consume 1330 calories roughly a day,for my goal. I have been off my program for a couple of months but I'm back now! I eat eggs and low calorie bread. I eat just about anything I want…
  • Congratulations! You have had great success! You can add me as a friend if you like! I like to hear folks tell there stories and feel their success, but ultimately we each have to do it ourselves! Now go dance to your favorite song in the kitchen next time you are doing the dishes and burn off a couple of more calories!!!…
  • I had to learn to sneak it in! So.. I bought some flat bread and made cheese and vegetable wraps. I used the 100 calorie wrap, and fat free cheeses. I would change up the veggies and use any combination of spinach or lettuce and carrots, tomatoes and mushrooms and garbanzo beans and corn, whatever you like and think taste…
  • You can do it! I have about the same amount to lose! If you feel like you need to chat just send a note! All the best! Marylee