

  • did you measure yourself at 170lbs? it might just be your perception of yourself. Apparently a lot of people who lose weight think they're still the same size, even go pick out the big clothes and then have to work their way down a few dress sizes until it sinks in that they AREN'T that fat person any more. Maybe don't…
  • I think I am about 10 kgs heavier than I was when I got married. haha. and. Well. Now I'm divorced. SO. that leaves a lot to be desired. I'd love to be twiggy if I ever get remarried, but that's not happening any time in the near future.
  • mouse over a post on your wall here on MFP. on the right (like the x on FB) it shows up when you hovvverrrrr. You can then click "hide" I actually only just noticed it before I saw this post. haaahaha. i don't hide people on facebook, I need a better reason than "posts too much" to delete a friend, but if they're gaming…
  • Since my joining date I had lost 11kgs (over 20lbs). I have in the last 3 months (half the time) gained almost all of it back (I think I am 1kg shy). sometimes we fall off the wagon because of life's changes. which are constant. It's learning to deal with life's changes and your diet that makes you stronger. find the…
  • My sister and Brother inlaw are like that. Their "time together" away from the children? it's playing WoW. My sister has like 7 85's now and has been playing for about 6 years or so. definitely over 5 years, Brother inlaw has been playing longer. She did the recruit a friend with me so she got the two person rocket FTW!…
  • I haven't played since January. I will be picking back up again next month some time. I have a level 85 Tauren Druid (BOOM BOOM POW! hate that they screwed my tree though), Floshy. On US Server Cenarius. I have other toons on the same server. and Only have one Alliance (for when Cenarius is down) on Darth Remar, which I…
  • I have used 321 Run. you can play your music. but i found that you have to have that app open on the screen for it to actually tell you when to walk / run. worth a try, pretty sure it was free too.
  • I don't think of myself as old. I am 29. sigh. 30 next year *L* I have more greys than the "average" person. My middle sister has almost a full head of greys. and she's only 33! Age is just a number. exhusband has a grandmother that is 93. Imagine living that long! sheesh. ha. I've still got a good 20-40 years in me…
  • I have been reading up about protein shakes on and off for the last 6 months *sigh* But I haven't gone ahead and got any. But I think I might. I found something called Lady Bug. it has all these other little fancy healthy bits to make your hair and nails better too. haha. I was going to try it at some point, not sure if…
  • I use my HRM when doing any exercise. Always get my calories. get a HRM. the ball park figures in the data base on here are based on the weight / height of the person who initially entered it in to the database and are most likely not in line with your height and weight. You may burn more or less than the person who…
  • seeing my skin loosen. It looks like cottage cheese at times. and it makes me want to stay fat just so it stays nice and supple and firm. hahaha. yeah. ok. not going to happen.
  • I burned 500 calories yesterday. walking to the shop to get bread and milk. while there i bought a small packet of chips (crisps) aaand. 2 snickers bars. and 2 chocolate milks (feel good FTW. they're 175cals per serve) - anyway. my son didn't wanta snickers. soooo i ate two. but boy were they tasty! i was craving nuts. and…
  • I haven't thought about that. ha. I am off the wagon as it is. and sooo far away from goal. why worry myself with more. :-P haha.
  • oooh. she has a lot of free podcasts! I am going to download tomorrow :) hooray.
  • the horror amuses me. ha. *googles the book* I need inspiration and motivation lately. anything has to help. ha.
  • [img ] [ /img]remove the space on the inside of the img tags.i think that's how.i failed *L* it said my picture was broken. haha. edited.[/img]
  • I do two sets. 15 reps. i do a weight where the last 5 or so reps in the second set are a struggle. I am thinking of doing more though. I like lifting weights more than I like doing cardio so it seems. ha.
  • My reasons? Stress. Loneliness. I have a 23 month old son. He picks up bugs at the child care in the gym like anything. I get to go for a week or two. then BAM he's sick again. He gets infections from almost every cold he picks up. so it takes 1-2 weeks until he's good to go again. So then I don't get to the gym unless…
  • yeaaap. contracts are bad. I had to pay $99 to get out of the contract for my $20 a week gym. I have no contract for my $24 every two weeks gym. can cancel any time and even put my membership on hold if i ever need to for up to 6 months!
  • dude. $20 a month. I was at a gym. granted it has gym / classes / pool facilities for the full membership and it was $20 a week! I have changed gyms and now pay $24 every two weeks *fortnightly* for the same as the other gym offers. I actually couldn't justify the $20 a week any more because i moved further away and my son…
  • if you're serious about it enough to justify the cost get a HRM with a chest strap that will tell you the kcals burned.
  • if you walk / run outdoors get 321Run or Nike + GPS. there's a cyclemetre that my exhusband uses. I don't know the name for when he cycles. there's a sleep cycle app. that you lay in your bed whenyou sleep *L* angry birds is a favourite of almost every person. words with friends is a scrabble game. connects through…
  • I am such a mother these days. I do housework when my son is with his father. HAH. alas. I do usually turn MY music up full while doing it. I don't do it naked. I don't like looking at me naked and i fear people will drop in, not that any one ever has dropped in during the day ever since I've lived here. I don't even…
  • I started C25k. I gave up a while ago. ha. I was on week 1 for over 3 weeks. I could get about 5 or 6 of the 1 minute runs out. I usually walk at about 5 - 6 kmph . and I set my jog to about 8kmph. I had more issues with my ankles hating me with all the weight I am carrying, hence why I stopped doing it until I get down a…
  • I get a flat feeling, but not FULL on down in the dumps. My endorphins go away about 20 minutes after exercise. I was med free for about 3 years until I went back on Effexor in Feb. I forgot about the increased perspiration on them. Whoops! haha. I felt kind of ripped off that I was exercising and still feeling depressed /…
  • I'll e-slap anyone who bashes this. haha. I don't look at the forums an awful lot. I just can't handle it. I'll get too caught up in the crap (like you seemingly have, not to judge or anything. just observing) and got off my nut at someone somewhere. haha. People were giving advice to a school aged girl who lied about…
  • Shamefully here from South Australia. You don't have to add me. Because I am a bit slow. hahaha. ;) I have added SOOO many foods in the database too. It's scary. ha.
  • We have Implanon in Australia. implant in the arm. It pretty much screwed with my crazy hormones. I was all kinds of messed up in the head. I think I had it in for maybe 2-3 weeks max before I got it ripped out again. So no idea about weight gain, but a lot about it making you go mad. haha.
  • Up your calories and give it a go. ;)