

  • hi there. this is my second time using My Fitness Pal. allways glad to help. Good luck with your fitness plan. Hope you get to where you wont to be.
  • Don't know if it's something you would like but I really love the so juicy cook in bag. you just put in chicken breast and it has all the seasonings in the pack. there' a few flavors about now. there really nice with some rice.
    in help Comment by bea2304 January 2012
  • Hi there, Swimming is really good but I have really enjoyed Yoga. It's good for everyone. I have been doing it for nearly a year now and have noticed a big difrence in my ballance and in my flexibilty. It's low impact and should be ok for you.
  • I've manged to gain 5lb's over christmas and new year decide to use my fitness pal to keep track of what I'm doing for the new year. Hoping i'll get to where i wont to be XD