Looking for support!!!!!

Hey I'm Cel and new to this.. Looking to lose 100 lbs.. I'm a fluffy girl and want to improve my health.. Also I want to get fit. I can do this just need support. I'm from Texas, Rio Grande Valley.. Is there any one out there.. I'm a awesome person with a great personality..


  • Junepal
    Junepal Posts: 148 Member
    Hey Cel,
    Welcome and congrats on your decision to get healthy. I am 3 weeks in and loving it. I too have a 100 lbs to loose and am always looking for support as I will gladly return the favour.
  • bea2304
    hi there. this is my second time using My Fitness Pal. allways glad to help.
    Good luck with your fitness plan.
    Hope you get to where you wont to be.
  • empresslove13
    empresslove13 Posts: 48 Member
    Hello Cel! Yes, I have 98 more lbs to loose! I have lost 2 being here three days! How exciting is that. I know it all won't be that easy but shoot. You can do it!
  • callikia
    callikia Posts: 226 Member
    *waves* Welcome Cel! I'm 30 (just for a few more days! *lol*) and have already lost over 100 pounds (actually about 150 from my highest) since April 2010 (was using another site). Just joined MFP for a clean slate on the next phase of my journey. Good luck to you and just know it can be done! Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like.
  • Celica01
    Thanks ladies and i really do love all the support that everyone shows here!!