kittyswing Member


  • I always wished I was one of those people who don't eat when they're stressed, although I know that's unhealthy too. I eat anything sweet that I can! So, I stock up on fruits and sugary veggies like carrots and potatoes. I'll still crave sugar and I'll still snack, but I'll snack on better things.
  • This! I get too pinned down by numbers. I only weigh and take measurements once a month. I can generally tell by my energy level and confidence in clothing whether I'm making progress or not!
  • SHERLOCK. MERLIN. I am in the wrong effing country.
  • I know there are so many things out there to substitute for this, substitute for that... and they're usually fewer calories, it's true, but at what cost? I mean... peanut butter shouldn't be a powder. What processes did it have to go through to get there? Eat good food that's real. Just watch portions like crazy.
  • Bad days happen. Hell, bad WEEKS happen. But it doesn't last forever. Consider changing things up? You may be burning out. You could still run 5 days/week, but vary the distance each day. Or, perhaps use one day where you get in your cardio in another way? HIIT?
  • Moderation, moderation, moderation!! I had once lost 70 pounds. Then it all slowly crept back on, because of exactly what you said - I LOVED sugar, and if I tried to limit that, then I made up for it in pastas. Chocolate and fettucine put that weight back on. BUT. I've noticed that keeping baby carrots in my desk at work…
  • If you're going to lose weight and KEEP it off - make it a new lifestyle and all - then, at least for me personally, I can't just cut out the things that I LOVE. I just have to eat less of them, or make sacrifices later elsewhere in the day so that my calories stay in check. If I were to give them up, I'd resent the whole…
  • ROWING!!! Wooooo!
    in OUCH!! Comment by kittyswing July 2013
  • I understand. I had lost 70 pounds and was so close to my goal, and the life starting throwing me curveballs. Now, I have 30 to go. At first, I beat myself up over and over... how could I let the weight back on, yada yada. The truth is, where you are now is where you have to start. Ignore the voice in your head that says…