fitfoodietrainer Member


  • Starvation Mode is when your body is literally burning your muscle for fuel, instead of burning stored fat. When you eat the correct amount (and ratios of macronutrients) for your metabolism and activity level, with a reasonable deficit, and eat small meals throughout the day, (as well as paying attention to the timing of…
  • Oh, the other thing I thought of for you - you would make yourself eat when you were pregnant with your kids - give that same loving care to yourself now!!
  • You are on the right track, and it's normal once you start eating cleaner that you don't have the cravings for starchy, processed foods that we associate with being "hungry". Good job!! That's the first step. There is a bit of "forcing" yourself to eat that people go through in the next phase, as you're repairing your…
  • Green tea or any supplement intended to increase metabolism only works if your diet is clean & on track. Otherwise, don't bother. As for drinking the kind "in the bottle", especially "diet tea" - the artificial sweetener it contains basically cancels out any positive effects of drinking green tea - your body does NOT KNOW…
  • Definitely work with a trainer!!! It's an investment towards your future. Increasing your lean body mass (muscle, bone density) will help prevent osteoporosis, increase your resting metabolic rate, make it so you don't have to watch your diet as much and you'll look and feel better and gain tons of confidence that comes…
  • Here is an awesome website that has TONS of free recipes AND a whole section on the Elimination Diet & recipes for each phase!! Good luck!!