How do you eat when you're not hungry?



  • sunspotalli
    sunspotalli Posts: 46 Member
    Pizza solves most all of lifes problems.

    love it]
  • MaggiePuccini
    MaggiePuccini Posts: 248 Member
    what are you eating that's so low in calories/points? i only get 1200 cals, 18 points and tbh, I could easily get to 15 points before i've thought about dinner, and that is eating healthily.
    like allbran & two teas 3 points
    banana and mid morning coffee 1.5
    cup of soup, 1.5 poinhts, 2 dukan buns 1.3 each, a pair, .4
    get home at 3pm, have another dukan bun 1.3
    another tea. .4
    dinner 6 points

    That is 18 points give or take half a point and I feel like i've had to be SO careful ALL day and i've been eating the right things.
    (the dukan buns only have oat bran, skimmed milk and egg in them).
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    I deal with this all the time during the day. By late at night I am usually ready for something but all day long I'm just forcing whatever I can get down. I do what you're probably doing - reminding myself constantly that I "have" to eat and make sure that I have something, anything.

    If you can be satisfied with one meal a day and still meet you calorie and macro goals, there is no reason at all to force yourself to eat throughout the day. Meal timing has no effect on weight loss. You can have one, nine or any number between or above, if you are meeting your macros, you will lose weight. The whole 5 small meals thing have absolutely no scientific support. It will not increase your metabolism, and eating less frequently will not slow your metabolism. Choose what works for you mentally so you can stay within your calorie goals.
  • NaomiLyn15
    NaomiLyn15 Posts: 388 Member
    If you find that you often aren't hungry you need to change the foods that you are eating. It is important to at least get your recommended calories, and if you exercise then you need even more. There are lots of foods that are higher in healthy fats and protein that will up those calories. Replace some of your veggie servings with avocados, eat some peanut butter (not Jiff, something all natural), grab a handful of nuts. And even though you have cut out processed foods, there are still ways to get carbs without eating somethiing that is processed. Look into Quinoa, Amaranth, black beans, etc. These are all ways to get some complex carbs into your system, and up your calories at the same time. You shouldn't have to stuff yourself to hit your calorie goal, but you also shouldn't be under every day because of the foods you are eating. Both are counterproductive in the weight loss journey. Good luck
  • ShakenWithJoy
    yes...grab nuts, avocados, and dried fruit. Check your pantry...are you buying for flavor or for price? It took a couple months, but I started buying smaller volume of better quality food since I am eating better food, I need less of it. But when I cook it .... OH MY! what delicious aromas to whet the appetite. Cheap food smells cheap when you cook it. Your nose knows. :) BTW...after a couple months, I am spending less at the grocery store.
  • jrami24
    jrami24 Posts: 18 Member
    whats "pop"?
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    Well, not eating, is not the answer. I have this same problem and am finding it hard to eat back my calories. I am working much harder at that now, because It just doesn't seem to fit the saying, "Eat less, exercise more, lose weight." Our body def. needs the food to keep us up and active. I have started eating peanuts, popcorn, fruit, and animal crackers (low fat of course). I am very curious to see what happens this week, now that I am starting to eat more food. Good luck.
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    I just have a handful of nuts or a piece of fruit.
    I used to not eat for hours, then when I WAS hungry, I'd eat too much in one sitting! Don't do that to yourself!!
    When you don't eat every couple hours, your metabolism slows down, goes into "starvation-mode". Then, when you actually DO eat...your body immediately stores it as fat! That's what happened to me!
    It's hard to wrap my head around eating 6 or 7 times a day...but I do! I do it, because I know that in order for me to lose body needs fuel..even if I don't feel "hungry"!
    Don't wait until you FEEL the then it's too late, and your body has already taken action AGAINST you!!
    Take it from someone who's been there, and had to learn the hard way!!!
    BTW: You wouldn't drive your car til it was completely empty would you? Do you wait for the gas light to come on? Or do you wait til your car stalls before you fill it up? Your body is the same! Don't wait for the warning light!
  • fitfoodietrainer
    You are on the right track, and it's normal once you start eating cleaner that you don't have the cravings for starchy, processed foods that we associate with being "hungry". Good job!! That's the first step.

    There is a bit of "forcing" yourself to eat that people go through in the next phase, as you're repairing your metabolism. I would start with breakfast. Make sure you are eating a high-protein breakfast & a sensible amount of carbs (different for everyone) and your metabolism will be burning hotter throughout the day, creating real hunger.

    I can't view your diary, but I see you are a distance runner & I can't tell if you do any resistance training - that's the other side of the equation. Increasing your lean muscle mass by lifting weights or doing a program like P90X will start to tell your body that it's okay to start burning fat for fuel, as long as you're eating enough! Long, endurance-based cardio sessions (like training for a marathon) can start to burn up your muscle mass if you're not eating or resting enough and not doing resistance training as well.

    You could also try setting an alarm on your phone to remind you to eat every 3-4 hours. It will get better, you'll feel hungry when you're supposed to, and soon you'll HAVE to eat that often!! Just keep with it.

    And for those who are curious why you would eat when you're not hungry - most people do NOT have a metabolism that is functioning properly. The signals that we get from our brain about food are totally wired wrong, and it's an unraveling process to re-wire them & recognize hunger for what it is.

    Here is a great article that talks about this more in depth from one of my favorite blogs:

    Good luck!
  • fitfoodietrainer
    Oh, the other thing I thought of for you - you would make yourself eat when you were pregnant with your kids - give that same loving care to yourself now!!
  • jemachharo
    jemachharo Posts: 144 Member
    it's simple! i don't.

    THIS. Wait until you are hungry.
  • Donkeydriver
    I have a medifast shake on ice on my desk at all times... I just drink a little bit every once in a while... it gives me the vitamins/minerals I need and the water that I tend to helps keep my blood sugar more stable and I don't get lightheaded :)

    Try somesort of smoothie/nutritional drink...
  • Donkeydriver
    whats "pop"?

    Pop is Soda Pop ... midwesterners say POP :) it means Coca Cola... 7 Up... etc.
  • BecksFit88
    Nuts are great if you're not allergic! Good for your heart, your brain, your eyes, and your calorie intake