

  • I agree with the other posts. I lost 22 pounds on WW and thought it was "Mission Accomplished!" Then it all came back within the year, so here I am starting over. I think anything can work if you stick with it ... but what will help you eat healthy for LIFE? It's really all about the food that goes into our mouths. I have…
  • This is a fantastic support group. I'm so pleased every time I see encouraging posts like these. One thing we can all benefit from is to monitor the "self talk" that goes on in our head. I have read The Secret and have learned so much about how important our thoughts are. We really can control our life and we need to do…
  • I've been absent. Can I still join the group or will there be another one in January?
  • I did an internet search, too, and it says zumba classes burn anywhere from 500-800 calories, depending on the effort you put into it. That was good to know. My earlier calculation was way below the minimum. Thanks for your feedback!
  • there is lots of support here at this site, so please do not give up. Think positive thoughts every morning as soon as you open your eyes and keep telling yourself more positive thoughts all day long. Have you read The Secret? It's a fantastic book (there is a DVD also!) that helps us realize how our thoughts affect our…
  • Welcome! You can add me as a friend, too, for support.The more support we have, the better we stay on track!
  • I'm in the same boat - my babies were born 19 and 16 years ago... still have the belly fat! I'm here to support you too!
  • I am also new at this. I just signed up 2 days ago and I love it already. It's very easy to use and helps me track everything I eat and drink. It makes a huge difference when you actually track/ write down everything you eat and drink. There's some powerful accountability with that. Welcome to this new adventure! You are…