Not motivating anymore

Gayalabeille Posts: 26
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
Hi guys, sorry for the lack of support I brought to the sites and its member recently, I have been considering quiting the calorie counting as I am getting bored with it. I have been yoyoing since December with a 5 lbs up and down.
I don't want to give up but I am not counting any more and everutime I restart for a day and then give up, I am considering Weightwatchers for 3 months just to kickstart things but to stay here for you guys on my wall and the forum. Any opinion on Weightwatchers? The aim would be to shake things up a little bit and then come back here for the full use of the site.
Your opinion?


  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    - weight watchers just counts in different ways, but you might need the accountability of real people, so it might be worth a try.

    - set yourself goals to log in every evening and record your food, you need to make it a habbit, then it will be easier, it can be boring, but i like logging in because it keeps other people motivated too,

    put your mind to it, i'm sure you'll succeed
  • Ruby53
    Ruby53 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi there, I was exactly the same as you, I have often thought about going back to WW but I know what I do wrong and that is eat too much and not be true to myself. Also when I tot up how much I have spent at WW just to be weighed it makes me sad. I have made my diary visable so everyone can see what I eat now? which I know is going to help me. Take one day at a time and remember to exercise or move your body for a better body!!! Good luck, you can do it!!! :)
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    WW works but so does this. With weight loss, most things 'work' as long as you stick to them. I know exactly how you feel as I considered going back to WW a while ago but decided against it as, in essence, it's just the same as mfp.

    Take some time to reflect on your progress and achievements so far and decide to do this for real.

    When I started back I got frustrated because I wanted to pick up where I left off but you can't so maybe try what I did. For the first week just focus on staying within your calorie limit. The after that you could add in a focus on having a healthy lunch and so on. Before you know it you'll be right back on track.

    Lots of little steps = amazing progress. Come on, you can so do this and we are all here to help you along the way.
  • I agree with the other posts. I lost 22 pounds on WW and thought it was "Mission Accomplished!" Then it all came back within the year, so here I am starting over. I think anything can work if you stick with it ... but what will help you eat healthy for LIFE? It's really all about the food that goes into our mouths. I have noticed that when I feel lazy or unmotivated, if I read web sites, read articles or watch shows on TV that have to do with fitness and healthy eating (even infomercials!), I will get off the couch and move again.

    TIP: I recently started subscribing to MSN online. I signed up for a few free newsletters that come to my inbox. I find that if I even just glance through them and get a few fitness and nutrition tips, I am more motivated! They have lots of photos and stop-by-step instructions for workouts. It's very good. Give that a try :)
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