Okay, thanks for the advice. I really struggle with the idea of decreasing what I'm currently lifting, as I want to be challenging myself....but you're right, everything I've read talks about starting light and building up, so I need to just listen to that and make myself do it!
I'm pretty new too...welcome and nice to meet you :)
Okay, thanks ladies!!! I guess I am pretty worried about putting on fat, because in my brain more food = I get bigger. Dumb huh!
Sorry forgot to answer part of your post! I've only been doing SL for one week! But prior to that was doing BodyPump, playing sport etc. Prior to that I was training for marathons, so I'm quite an active person and have been for the last 10 years.
Thanks for your answer! I have a two year old, so I'm definitely not sitting down that much. I work part time at a desk job though, so very little activity during those hours. I've been logging for a while, and I log everything except for instant coffees (2 per day max). Everything else, including sauces etc gets logged.…
Thanks so much for the welcome!!! I decided to start with weights that were challenging as I was previously doing some light weight work at high reps (bodypump classes) and I play roller derby, so have had to build up a bit of strength for that too! I am excited about working toward squatting my bodyweight (130ish) and…
Hi first post over here! I've only just started 5X5, have just done my first two workouts last week. I've been doing light weights at high reps for a while and have finally made the transition. Here's my numbers from week one...bring on week two! Squats: 99lb Deadlift: 88lb (though I did 5 sets instead of one,…
Yup, I'm hitting failure on pretty much every track. I don't go to the gym to take it easy, I go so I can push myself as hard as I can. I try to lift at a weight that means I hit failure about 3/4 through the track and have a break for 5 seconds then push myself to the end. Weird point about DOMS - even when I'm working to…
Agreed. I am currently working to 50% carbs, 25% protein and 25% fat after doing calculations based on advice elsewhere on this forum. In terms of not building muscle, maybe 'build muscle' is the wrong term. I want to tone up and have more muscle than I do now - and while I know on paper doing light weights at high reps…
I have been reading as much as I can on these boards about this, and would love some advice too. There seem to be some really great people here who know a lot about this, and I feel like I may have been on the wrong path for many years. Might put up another post to try and get some advice too!