

  • Thanks for your info. You are the best :flowerforyou: ......... I will try to add strengh training into my exercise and hope it will help to build the muscles.
  • Can you tell me what's kind of food that you eat everyday? I always eat 2 egg and 1 link of sausage in the morning, vege and meat for my lunch & dinner and drink 60oz of water every day. So, you think I have to up my calories intake to 1450 calories per day? Do you think it will helps me? Can I eat the carbs such rice or…
  • I can't eat all my exercise calories as I'm afraid that I can't lose weight if I eat too much. I mixed with strengh training too but still can't work for me. Can I ask question? do you eat rice, noodle or bread? or I have to stop all kinds of carbs?
  • Hi, Here's my details: Female-33 years 5.1 feet 150lbs Pear shape I did not eat rice everyday, i allow myself to enjoy the carbs e.g noodle or rice on weekend, the rest of the days i eat vegetables & meats. I'm doing treadmill every Monday, Wednesday & Sunday for 30 minutes and I burn about 350-400 calories/day. I don't…
  • I've been 2 months with MFP, the first 2 weeks was great result, I lost 9lbs. But now, my scale like won't move down, I don't know what happen with my body :( Even I stick with 1200cal/day and I exercise 3 times a week and I burn 1000-1200 calories per week. Can anybody out there help me what happen with my body? Can I eat…
  • Thanks for all the members who always there to support me. Love all of you!:smile:
  • Just want to share my joy, this morning 2 of my colleagues said that I look slim now and they asked whether I'm taking diet pills or just control my calories. With very proud and happy face, I told them that i did it with exercise and MFP. Last 2 weeks, I was complained that I did not lose more weight eventhough I did the…
  • Hi Gggivens Thanks for your information, really appreciate it =) Will try your advice and see what will happen to my "fat" body :flowerforyou: Cheers
  • Thanks for the reply Yes, i'm felling much better and i can feel that my pants a bit loose. Can I eat the carbs (rice, noodle, or bread)? then how you control your calories? Thanks
  • I've been with MFP for 3 weeks, but so far i only lost 5 lbs. I'm so dissappointed with the result. I'm doing my exercise 3 times a week (30 minutes run on the machine) and control my diet for at least 1200 calories. Can someone explains to me why my weight so difficult to go down???? I need motivation from all of…
  • Thanks everyone :flowerforyou: Today is my third day and so far already lost 2lbs.... This website is so awesome................! Created by - Free Food Diary
  • Yes, i will drink plenty of water thanks
  • Hello, my name is Laura....I just join "myfitnesspal' yesterday. Hoping to lose 32lbs by end of Nov09. I need people's support as I always fail on diet Cheers:flowerforyou: Created by - Free Calorie Counter
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