Not losing weight anymore

mooi Posts: 17
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I've been 2 months with MFP, the first 2 weeks was great result, I lost 9lbs.

But now, my scale like won't move down, I don't know what happen with my body :( Even I stick with 1200cal/day and I exercise 3 times a week and I burn 1000-1200 calories per week.

Can anybody out there help me what happen with my body?

Can I eat rice or noodle while I'm doing this diet?



  • mooi
    mooi Posts: 17
    I've been 2 months with MFP, the first 2 weeks was great result, I lost 9lbs.

    But now, my scale like won't move down, I don't know what happen with my body :( Even I stick with 1200cal/day and I exercise 3 times a week and I burn 1000-1200 calories per week.

    Can anybody out there help me what happen with my body?

    Can I eat rice or noodle while I'm doing this diet?

  • Eazy43055
    Eazy43055 Posts: 56
    You burn more calories than that sleeping. What are your specifics? weight,height,male,female,bodytype and I can help. I have read and experienced SOOOO MUCH that I think I know more than anyone(I know i don't but..) about weight loss!
  • KKluvUSC
    KKluvUSC Posts: 37
    Can you help me too?! Message yes is so and I'll send you my stats.
  • mooi
    mooi Posts: 17
    Hi, Here's my details:

    Female-33 years
    5.1 feet
    Pear shape

    I did not eat rice everyday, i allow myself to enjoy the carbs e.g noodle or rice on weekend, the rest of the days i eat vegetables & meats.

    I'm doing treadmill every Monday, Wednesday & Sunday for 30 minutes and I burn about 350-400 calories/day.

    I don't know what's wrong with my body, it's just can't lose anymore weight.....:brokenheart:

    Please help me!
  • BxMom
    BxMom Posts: 363
    Are you eating all your work out calories?

    Have you tried changing up the food you eat daily and maybe incorporating some stregth training.
  • mooi
    mooi Posts: 17
    I can't eat all my exercise calories as I'm afraid that I can't lose weight if I eat too much.

    I mixed with strengh training too but still can't work for me.

    Can I ask question? do you eat rice, noodle or bread? or I have to stop all kinds of carbs?
  • Hi

    I'm after some help also: My stats are

    39 yr old female
    5' 2"
    Average Frame

    Working out 6 days a week, mix of 30 - 40mins cardio per day and then the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred (Level 1 and 2) back to back. Eating approx 1200 - 1300 cals per day, not losing on the scales (only 6lb in a month) but trousers are getting baggy so think I'm toning, but should I not see bigger weight losses?
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member

    You are a BMI of about 28 or so, which for me says you should be at about a 500 calorie deficit per day which is 1 lb per week. Currently you are at about 750 calories a day deficit. I think that's a bit too much for you because you aren't extremely overweight.

    This is only my opinion, but it's based on a pretty solid base of knowledge and experience.
    If I were you, I would up my daily calories to about 1450 or so, try that for a month, make sure you eat all the exercise calories you need to in order to maintain that 500 calorie deficit, and with any luck, get your metabolism back on track.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member

    I'm after some help also: My stats are

    39 yr old female
    5' 2"
    Average Frame

    Working out 6 days a week, mix of 30 - 40mins cardio per day and then the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred (Level 1 and 2) back to back. Eating approx 1200 - 1300 cals per day, not losing on the scales (only 6lb in a month) but trousers are getting baggy so think I'm toning, but should I not see bigger weight losses?


    You are in a similar situation as mooi, your BMI is 28.2, which while being considered overweight, isn't highly overweight. I would follow the same path I gave above. You guys both may need to do a little tweaking just to get the perfect calorie amount, but remember, it takes 2 to 3 weeks for your body to adjust to a new calorie amount, and in that time, you may plateau or even gain a few pounds, give it time and you should be alright.
  • Thanks for that, to be honest I don't think I'm eating enough, if I stick to 1200 and then work out using 500 approx I'm well below what is needed but I thought that the less I ate, the more I worked out the bigger the losses. I do think that i' m toning, can see slight changes and people keep telling me that although muscle doesn't weigh more its more compact and takes up less room???

  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    look at it this way.

    if you work out 6 days a week for about 30 minutes at a moderate to hard pace, you are burning somewhere between 250 and 400 calories a day.

    If you are eating say 1250 calories a day, and working out, that makes your deficit somewhere around1000 calories (just shy of that). That's a big deficit for someone with a BMI of 28. Your body is probably slowing down the calorie burn, which lowers your metabolism even further, it's also going to desparately try to keep your fat stores where they are since it doesn't think you're eating enough. Will you lose? Eventually you probably will, but it will take a dogs age to do it, and it won't be overly healthy (as your fat stores will still be relatively high). What does that leave? Protein burn, I.E. you're going to lose some muscle, which isn't what you want.

    Feed your body enough of the right foods and your body will return the favor and give you more energy, raise your metabolism, and work with you instead of fighting you.

    That's my opinion anyway.
  • mooi
    mooi Posts: 17
    Can you tell me what's kind of food that you eat everyday? I always eat 2 egg and 1 link of sausage in the morning, vege and meat for my lunch & dinner and drink 60oz of water every day.

    So, you think I have to up my calories intake to 1450 calories per day? Do you think it will helps me? Can I eat the carbs such rice or noodle into my diet?

  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Can you tell me what's kind of food that you eat everyday? I always eat 2 egg and 1 link of sausage in the morning, vege and meat for my lunch & dinner and drink 60oz of water every day.

    So, you think I have to up my calories intake to 1450 calories per day? Do you think it will helps me? Can I eat the carbs such rice or noodle into my diet?


    Me? Personally? well I can say that 2 eggs (if you are eating the yokes) is a lot of cholesterol at one time. 1 egg has all the cholesterol most normal sized women should eat in a day. There's that.

    So for me I eat some kind of a whole grain flax or steel cut oat cereal breakfast with 1% milk at about 6:30 am

    then I have a snack around 9:30, usually some cheese and an apple.

    At about noon I have lunch which is usually a salad with chicken, chick peas, lots of veggies, and some red beans of some kind, with light olive oil vinagrette (1.5 servings, about 3 tblspoons)

    then I have an afternoon snack around 3:00 pm of usually almonds and a V8 (lots of sodium I know, but I'm a big dude, and I drink about 100 oz of water a day, so it's fine). And then I'll have some carrots and sugar snap peas to snack on for about 20 minutes or so, maybe right after, maybe an hour later, depending on how I feel that day.

    Then I have dinner around 6:00 or so, usually high protein, low carbs, like chicken breast, a sweet potato, or mashed collieflower, asparagus, or broccoli.

    Then I have a snack, usually whole wheat carbs (ugh, I know, I know, carbs this late, not really a great way to finish the day, but I can't help it, I love my popcorn when I watch my shows!) or a 60 cal jello pudding or something.

    That's my day, now mind you, I have to eat double portions of a lot of this stuff because I'm at maintenance weight and trying to gain muscle, so I have to try to eat about 2800 calories a day minimum, but the times and types of food wouldn't change, just the amounts.

    If you read through it, you'll notice that I get all my macro-nutrients for the day, I also get all my vitamins, minerals, and plenty of energy for the whole day, there's never a time during the day (besides when I first wake up, which is how it should be) that I actually feel hungry. The nice part is, I pre-package 90% of this stuff, so it's not a big deal to make my food for the day before I leave for work, and I am never thinking about food through the day, and even when people bring in bad stuff, stuff I used to love, I really don't care that much, I can avoid it easilly.

    Hope this helps.
  • mooi
    mooi Posts: 17
    Thanks for your info.

    You are the best :flowerforyou: ......... I will try to add strengh training into my exercise and hope it will help to build the muscles.
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