

  • In the past few weeks, I have basically going meatless. I thought that was the best way for me and I really don't mind because I love vegetables. Have you any tips from foods to stay away from. This is also my third or fourth return to MFP. It will work if we would just stick with it. Good luck.
  • Sounds like you are very dedicated. Good job so far. We're glad to have you join us. I did very good the first time I started logging with MFP then I stopped and lost my direction. I'm back and as you will see I struggle but, I am working hard to get it right once again.
  • Well now, that's FOOD for thought.....and even with a little rain going on right now, I'm still smilin. I did stress eat a little today and your blog brought me back to reality. Thanks
  • Sounds yummy....I'm always on the lookout for something different. Keeps meals from becoming boring. I'll be trying it.
  • Sounds delicious! My husband doesn't do salads so I would have to (pear down) :~) the ingrediance.
  • I don't think coffee messes with your diet so long as you drink it black or count the "add ins". Just be sure you drink all your water. I love, love, love my coffee.
    in coffee Comment by Fancyfit November 2010
  • Sometimes you have to reach out and say what you you just did. I'm sure you touched some of us who have been there and felt the same way. You have done a wonderful job so far. Twenty five pounds is a quite an accomplishment. I looked at your profile pics and you have a beautiful family. They need a happy,…
  • You have come to the right place. Before you know it you will get a little network of friends to help and encourage you as you journey toward your goal. I'll be one of your MFP if you invite me.
  • I had to see for myself. Well done. You are one hansome bloke!
  • Thanks PALS, for taking your time to respond to my concerns.. I am so determined to lose weight the right way. I will check the BMR tool.
  • I wandered onto this topic and have a question for anyone....I'm fairly new, since July. The more I investigate the more puzzled I become. It seems that everyone, no matter their weight, height or age has to consume the same number of calories, 1200 plus exercise calories. This is confusing to me. I am short, 5'2 and it…
  • Hi All - I'm really wet behind the ears "new"! Just started yesterday. Right now I'm having fun navigating to all the sites and checking things out. I'm sure the real fun will be when I see the scales start down. The biggie will be trying to get some kind of exercise going.......not my fav. subject. I've been walking a…