thevetchling Member


  • Having a big enough space to store stuff does make a big difference. We're moving from rented to our own house soon and have a garage that will actually be more of a pantry and utility space so hopefully we'll see our spend changing by being able to bulk buy stuff. I have been actively trying to spend less money on food…
  • Your body doesn't really care that much whether it's good or bad sugars. It just absorbs all simple sugars (sucrose, fructose, and glucose) really quickly and gives your body a spike of sugar. This is why they are separated from other carbs on food labels. Other carbs have to be first broken down by your body into these…
  • In the uk we have legal definitions which say that anything sold as fruit juice cannot contain any extra sugars, it might be from concentrate, but has to be basically one ingredient. The other drinks have to be called "juice drinks" which can contain just about anything. Is this the same elsewhere or is it a British thing?
  • Sounds like the biggest problems are to do with self image rather than just weight. It's not surprising. The whole advertising industry, which pays for the media coverage of the world, has to construct dissatisfaction amongst the population. It's not an accidental side effect, it's how advertising works. If you were…
  • This is tending to show how expensive specialist diet foods are. Someone is making a fortune out of flogging whey powder and other highly processed foods to those desperate to change their bodies. Less money is going to be taken from your valuable wallet if you do whatever processing of food is needed yourself. Oh and meat…
  • Interesting straw poll this. Interesting to see we seem to be in the middle internationally, and there doesn't seem to be a big variation between countries. And lots of people think they spend more than they'd like. I think the biggest variation comes from WHAT people are buying, rather than where they live or shop. Which…
  • 300 GBP divided between 2 and a half of us works out as GBP 30 EURO 32 US Dollars 40 Yen 3700 Australian Dollars 46 New Zealand Dollars 60 South African Rand 310 Swiss Francs 43 Canadian Dollars 46 (That's enough Rates ed.) per adult per week
  • Really? What have you killed and eaten recently then? Love to see your food diary!
  • I find their toilets clean, but eating there? I am older than eight. It may entrap youngsters, but I'm a grown up!
  • Loved hearing about what sounds like an amazing project. You are taking control of your life and are getting closer to the real things in life. Love to be kept informed of your highs and lows as you expand your production, oh to have that space to play with. Makes me hopeful about Americans. I sometimes wobble on that one,…
  • 'naughty' when applied to food is okay, but when any food is seen as evil by someone, for reasons of it's calorific content, I become sad. I lived with a mother of an anorexic kid for a short while a few years back and I remember regaling her about a good pub lunch we'd just had and she said "I bet you feel guilty now!"…
  • Our tomatoes got blight this year. A common problem in our damp summers. Now we have jars and jars of Green Tomato Chutney to keep us through the winter and spring and summer.. and .. and.. French beans and Zucchini have been the most productive things: 20lbs of zucchini of 3 plants (most off the ONE plant actually) and…
  • Soup. Home made soup. If you whizz it, instead of it being chunky, when its in your stomach it stays there, if its too thin, the water just goes into your bloodstream and you feel hungry soon again. Use the stuff you like eating to make it and it'll be much better, and CHEAPER than anything you buy and it's seriously easy…
  • Waiting for winter to grow that stuff. Blimey. Sounds like springtime in the UK. Hope you take pictures of the plot at full production. I'm intrigued.
  • Bread is easy. Well, I admit to using our Kenwood Chef machine to make it in, which is cheating. But with something like that, it is easy. Just requires organisation. I have to admit I'm not always that organised.
  • I can see there being a 170 - 190 calorie difference being with different varieties or brands of cous cous. The 1/3 of a cup versus 1 cup seems to be a typo for one or the other. Or one has given the prepared calories the other the dry weight calories. One way of the other, something is up. I wish I could tell you which…
  • Thanks to everyone for your oh so swift messages of support and encouragement and friendship. Cheers. Does anyone know how often the site rejigs your calorie allowance, it needs to tweak it if its not working I'm guessing. But how often?