Shirls2012 Member


  • Maybe it doesn't work this way for you, but when I get a hit of sugar like that it seems to set up a craving for more. Then it takes a week of nothing sweet to get rid of the craving.
  • I can tell you that a lot of us are afraid to give up smoking in case of weight gain. But I'm fat already and smoking hasn't decreased my appetite. So I've started tracking my smoking in a little diary - just noting down the times I have a cigarette. It's interesting - I find I'm smoking a lot less when I have to write…
  • It has been my experience (when I manage to stick to a food plan for more than the first few days) that it does take about three weeks, then all of a sudden the weight starts coming off. I'm just hoping it'll happen this time around. I bet you've lost inches round your middle, though.
  • Have protein for breakfast - a couple of boiled eggs, wholegrain toast with marmalade or jam. A bit will calm the sugar craving. Can you get pears there at this time of the year? I find that a ripe juicy pear totally calms my sugar cravings. Make sure you have lunch. With some sort of protein - I like a toasted cheese and…
  • Bronze green cross sandals
  • That's very odd Jaynemaria. I am not logging any exercise and stay just under calorie allowance but the prediction is stilla lower weight than I am now. Maybe you should log in pounds instead of stones?
  • I think it's because if you set the calorie limit too low your body goes into "starvation mode" and hangs on to every bit of nourishment it can. Thus when you increase your calories it lets you start burning them again.
  • Hi I'm 66 and much of me has gone south. I need to lose about fifty pounds and get some strength back in my legs. And try to reverse the jelly belly. I sure could use some encouragement from you and any others in this age group. Cos this age is a whole new ball game!
  • Hi there My name is Shirls and I'm delighted to see so many fellow South Africans here. I'm measuring in pounds because my scale does both and they go down quicker:) The best thing I've found is that so many SA foods are in the database. I only joined a couple of days ago and have a long way to go - congrats on losing 2kg…