

  • Some great feedback here!!! I agree on the shoes...and I love my Mizunos. :)
  • Hi Dani, congrats on taking your first step towards and new and healthy you. Most people say that's the hardest step, but for me it wasn't. For me the hardest steps are saying no when I want something sweet really bad. Or when I"m really craving fast food. It's also hard for me to say no to food that the rest of my family…
  • My story is somewhat different from most that I read. Most people talk about the possibility of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes..... Most people talk about the possiblity of death as a result of morbid obesity. I feel a little different in that I had all three lifestyle related diseases and my blood…
  • Hi there.... Congrats on your 40 lb weight loss!!! Every pound is a huge deal. So give yourself credit for your hard work. In my experience, I have seen that people who have more weight to lose generally don't get noticed until they are pretty far along into their journey. I needed to lose 285 lbs at the beginning of my…
  • First of all congrats on the 45 pound weight loss. That's a huge deal!!! We all hit plateaus, and we all have our unhealthy eating hisory. what you are going through is a normal part of the weight loss journey. I promise. I've recently gained back quite a bit. I wish I had asked for help when it was less than 10 lbs.…
  • My weekly goal this week is 6,000 calories: Monday: Elliptical 90 minutes 1,000 calories Tuesday: Spin 90 minutes, 675 calories plus 45 minutes strength training 375 calories, 1 hour run 278
  • Love this and really needed it today. Thanks for sharing.
  • If I could workout at 5 am, I'ld be a happy camper. Yes, it's second nature to me to have my workout before anythign else. It took a while for me to get that way. I'm a morning person, but not a night person. I generally workout around 9:15 or so. But I'ld rather already have my workout in. My time frame depends on when my…
  • Glad you are here and glad you introduced yourself. I've been on my fitness pal for a while but never really used it. I was doing my own thing for my weight loss. I've lost a little over 200 lbs and Ihave about 70 to go. Please add me. I'ld love to be a part of your journey.
  • First of all, however frustrated you may feel, don't quit. I never stay under my 1400 goal. Wish I could say i did, but I don't. I'm super active so I have an appetite to match that. For me, what I've had to start doing is eating until I'm satisfied and listening to the hunger signals. As long as I feel healthy, my clothes…
  • I workout more often than most people. Here is my current schedule Monday: 1 hour with a trainer, and 1-2 hours cardio Tuesday: 1 hour spin (I teach classes), 1 hour run Wednesday: 1 hour with a trainer, 1 hour spin, 1 hour run Thursday: 2 hours cardio (usually swim) Friday: 1 hour spin, 1 hour with trainer Saturday: 1…
  • When i was told I was going to die, I focused on embracing every moment and living life to the fullest.....and proving that no doctor could dictate my time on earth!!! I did everything I could to get healthy. As far as what I would do if I was told my spouse was going to die, I don't know....because I am not married.
  • Chest strap monitors are definitely more accurate. I had one that wasn't a chest strap monitor and it was never accurate with my heart rate or calories burned, etc.... My trainer told me to get one with a chest strap. I started with Polar FT1 and have eventually upgraded to FT7. :) It doesn't do distance, but it does…
  • I would also switch up your workout routines. AKA if you are doing all cardio 2 days a week and strength 3 days a week, trying doing half and half. If you are doing the elliptical for your cardio then try a spin class. When we've been doing the same thing for a while our bodies get used to it. Also, I would check with a…
  • Dallas here.
  • Congrats on your 18 lbs. Keep up the great work. Would love to get to know you better. I live in Dallas and travel to Houston often.
  • Hi Olivia, Weight loss is never steady all the way down with no peaks. I've been on this journey for over 2 years now and I've lost a total of 200 lbs. The key is to make it about lifestyle and feeling healthy. Find other ways to measure your progress, eliminating medications, the ways your clothes fit, compliments from…