marlamp10 Member


  • 1-2 tbs a day right now. These days I mostly use butter in BPC, although I will fry eggs in it if I have them. And I'll have at least a tbs of coconut oil, and the rest of my fats are primarily cream and occasionally olive oil.
  • OK, I'm in. 1. Foodwise, keep on keepin' on. I've lost just about 14 lbs on keto since Oct. 3, and it will be a great year if I can keep that up for another 50+ lbs. 2. MAKE THE TIME to get back to the gym. I haven't been in four months, and I've been letting my schedule determine whether or not I go. Starting tomorrow,…
  • Thanks! I'll check that out.
  • I tend to stall a little. I don't drink a lot, just socially, one or two glasses maybe once a month on average. I did have a couple of glasses of wine last weekend, and about a half glass on Christmas night. I also went a bit over my 20 carbs in food on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Calorie-wise, it was probably a…
  • I got a whipped cream maker and I can't wait to try it out!
  • I'm too new to have experienced the former drama, but I can imagine how it went down, based on my experience on other weight-loss community boards. From former experience, I generally have no impulse to go to community general boards because that's where the trolls tend to be. As far as this board is concerned, I agree…
  • I use the Mio drops, also (and Crystal Light drops). But I'm a big fan of bubbles, and have found that drinking club soda with a slice of lemon, or even with a few Mio drops, really hits the spot when I'm looking for that zing.
  • Feel free to add me--I'm new, too, so just kind of learning my way around this.
  • LOL! I know what you mean. I really can't handle the little candy-like fat bombs--I just go through those like Reese's cups. My fat bombs have to have VOLUME.
  • I usually use Truvia in coffee, and sometimes stevia drops. I also just discovered the Swerve erythritol sweetener for baking--I think I like it, but the one pie I made with it was almost too sweet, so I may reduce the amount in recipes for the future.
  • I have a dessert every night, unless I just don't feel like it. My desserts are more like fat bombs, honestly. Favorites are - SF jello made with a cup of HWC (orange is so yummy) - Pumpkin cheesecake mousse (mostly cream cheese and HWC) or - an ounce of cream cheese melted with a square of 85% dark chocolate and a packet…
  • I love this recipe--great idea! I haven't had enough garlic in my life lately. . . :)
  • Yum on both of these. The sour cream/lime reminds me of the sauce that Taco Bell uses on their grilled steak tacos. I bet that's really good.
  • I never thought about avocado and EVOO--that sounds like a good base. YES!! Wow, I want that for dinner tonight.
  • That sounds great!
  • I love mayo. That's the fat base for the hot artichoke dip. I just need to find some flavor variety.
  • My carbs are pretty much limited to lowcarb veggies, cheeses, heavy cream, and a spoonful of almond butter. Those are the foods I can eat best without stalling too much.
  • I've been doing LCHF since Oct. 3 and only broke it slightly for Thanksgiving, and to take two bites of a good friend's birthday cake a few days after. The "break" on Thanksgiving was to sample a bite of dressing and two small pieces of the desserts my DIL's brought. Other than that, I had turkey, ham, fauxtatoes, and hot…
  • I started keto two months ago on Oct. 3, and as of this morning I'm down just under 11 lbs. I'm 58 and not quite solidly in menopause, but nearly there, so I know I'm going to have issues. When I first started, I was just keeping carbs to about 45 or under. I got into ketosis, but after the first five lbs I stalled for…
  • I've only just joined this group a few weeks ago, and just started keto the first of October, but you have no idea how inspiring it is to see your accomplishment right now. My goals are about the same as yours, and at this end it feels like it will take forever, especially since I've been trying food plans for about 40…
  • I lie when necessary--depends on who I'm dealing with and their discomfort level with whether or not I'm eating normally. I'm all about getting the discussion of what I'm eating/not eating over as quickly as possible. And I have a lot of work-related social events and meals to get through, so I can't afford to indulge…
  • Hi, message board newbie here. I've been on MFP for years, just never gotten around to the community. But I'm so glad to see this group--have been looking all over for an active one. I've done lowcarb off and on for years, but this is the first time that I've tried a keto plan. I started on October 3, and have lost about 9…