

  • I downloaded the firmware update for my link and now can upload synced data from my iphone to the site. Much easier than syncing with a cable. I now only plug in to charge.
  • My suggestion is to not expect to master it the first time. Do your absolute best, keep track of your progress and push yourself to do more each time at a higher intensity. Even if you can't do everything the first 90 days keep going. A great quote I read is 'no matter how slow you go you are still lapping everyone on the…
  • Every morning...not the best thing to do but weighing is my daily 'crack'. I always make sure to remember other indicators as of clothes, things my body can do now that it couldn't 5 weeks ago, how much easier it is to carry my 4 year old....
  • I have an Ironman Road Trainer. I think the calorie burn it reports might be a bit high so I round things down. It is great to monitor you HR while exercising so that you stay in you zone. I have learned that 190 for me is my 'I wanna puke' zone.
  • I brush mine with stone ground mustard and sprinkle them with dry ranch dressing. I cook them in the crockpot on low all day. YUM!
  • I have been spot on and really into my exercise and I swear I have lost then gained the exact same .8 pounds at least 5 freaking times!
  • Close to fast food...pick 2 from Panera Bread...yum!
  • With weight watchers fruit and veggies are zero points. You can use those as fillers throughout the day. I looked at your food diary and to be able to keep this up you need to find a way to split up your PP over your meals and snacks. I usually try to stay at 5 or less PP for breakfast. I can have 2 slices of Sarah Lee 45…
  • I am using Weight Watchers and so is my husband. I did a lot of reading online and found out as much as I could about the PP version. I have an app on my phone and a digital copy of the list of foods with their point values. Anything that I can't find in the list, or even when I am at the store I punch in the info into my…
  • I love love love WW PP! When I see that each food has a specific number it guides me to the right choices. I have found so many new recipes and I don't feel deprived of anything sine nothing is off limits if eaten within reason!