

  • Been there as well. At 18 I was a US size 16, but it was tight and I should have been buying 18's. I don't know how much I weighed at that time because I refused to step foot on a scale. I have no photos of myself from the ages of 14 to 23 because I was horrified with my body and destroyed them. I was 22-years-old before I…
  • Hey! I'm not exactly new here, but I've been away from MFP for about 6 months. I'm looking for people to interact with so I don't lose my motivation again!
  • I don't have any advice, just empathy. I've gone through a phase this past month of binging on 7-layer red velvet cake (the grocery store sells them as "single servings" that are big enough for 3 servings) and wine. I know why I'm doing it (emotional eating because of personal life crap) and I know it's moving me away from…
  • Thanks for sharing! I've just started weightlifting again after a year away from it (I was working 12 hour nights and didn't feel like working out on a regular basis). It's very inspiring to see your pics!
  • I usually stick to drinking water, black coffee, almond milk, and green tea. But, I work two 12 hour nights shifts at the hospital a week and sometimes find that I need an Absolute Zero Monster to keep going. Don't judge me and I won't judge you. :)
  • I'm in that boat too! Feel free to add me; we all need more friends to keep us motivated. :smile:
  • Kale, spinach, and black coffee are all things I love that most of my friends can't stand.
  • Hey! I love my friends as well, but could use even more support & encouragement to shed the weight. I managed to lose about 10 lbs last spring, but then gained 17 lbs in the spring and fall. I just signed up for a weight loss challenge at my new gym and want to NOT come in last! Height: 5'9" SW:160 CW:157 GW: around…
  • Hey Natalie! I joined last January and never really committed to actually losing weight until recently. Today I joined a 24 hour gym, signed up for their weight loss challenge, and decided that I'm really going to take advantage of what MFP has to offer. I too need some supportive friends on here, feel free to add me!…
  • Very inspiring!
  • Very impressive! You've done what I am trying to do, thanks for sharing!
  • Thank you!!!
  • Things I can't stand: Loud, noisy, bossy people Dog fur all over my clothes. I love dogs, but all the fur they shed drives me nuts That my husband leaves his smelly clothes in the MIDDLE of the hallway after getting home from work--he's a mechanic Collard greens. Sorry, I've tried to like them, but I just can't stand them…
  • WOW! You are such an inspiration! I've let myself hid behind excuses for years; no time, stress from college, medications like the oh so lovely Depo, etc. But I've FINALLY realized that I have no excuse that justifies me eating unhealthy junk and not exercising when I have time to sit in from of the TV for hours at a time…
  • Last month I ate an entire 12 inch round cake (with loads of butter cream frosting) from the bakery all by myself. In one sitting, LOL! I don't even like those types of cake and I still felt compelled to eat it. I felt like crap for 3 days. My new rule is that I don't go to the store on my own when it's that time of the…
  • Hey! I'm 26 and needing some more motivation too. Feel free to add me as a friend.