PMS Binge Stories Please



  • manda1002
    manda1002 Posts: 178 Member
    For me I HAVE to have greasy. As if my body thinks I'm suffering from a hang-over or something. And I don't stop eating until I have whatever sounds the absolute best that day. McDonalds, Wendys, pizza, the normal culprits unfortunately. I try to eat replacements for these things, and do the mind over matter crap, but for whatever reason, PMS wins every dang time. Every time.
  • WhitneyT586
    WhitneyT586 Posts: 279 Member
    Some months I have cravings and sometimes I don't. Problem the last few months has been an onset of nausea about a week before TOM. Anything or nothing can trigger it and the only thing that helps is eating something, anything, usually something salty and full of flavor. I can simply breathe in one minute and the next I'm about to lose my lunch. Then I eat, and I'm okay.
  • Calipalm
    Calipalm Posts: 114 Member
    I love knowing that i'm not the only one!
    I usually have hot cheetos with fresh squeezed lime!
    and a reeces shake mmmmm.
  • squintana1979
    I have MAJOR munch outs starting the week prior to "The Red Death". (As my husband refers to it.) Last time I binged, I ate a turkey club with bacon on a croissant, a bag of Lay's potato chips, a big *kitten* chocolate chip cookie (of which I said "I will only eat half!) a glass of skim milk....and a pickle on the side. Did I mention it was 1:30am? I was making so much noise during my pig out, my husband awoke to find me in a full blown feeding frenzy and all he could muster out of his sleepy tired mouth was, "Are you stoned or sumfin?" Yeah. You get the gist...and NO, I wasn't stoned. :noway:
  • natachan
    natachan Posts: 149
    One day I had a king size milky way, then I had a Hershey's bar. Then a bottle of chocolate milk. This lessened the pain in my abdomen long enough to grab some Tylenol.
  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    I always want some kind of beef or pepperoni pizza when PMSing. I have been guilty of ordering a large pizza with a 2 liter of Diet coke and finishing it.

    Side note: Does anybody have the problem of not being able to handle your alcohol during your TOM?

    I do! lol
  • jlambert77
    jlambert77 Posts: 77 Member
    I'm having a particularly difficult PMS time this month for some reason, and I'm so frustrated.

    I reached my lowest LOWEST weight - ever - this week, and now I'm up 4lbs from 3 days?! So upsetting!

    tonight I ate oatmeal with fruit for supper(good)
    a hamburger bun with nutella
    2 pieces of toast with butter
    a bag of tostitos chips
    2 bananas
    a handful of marshmallow cereal
    a coffee
    2 special K bars..

    seriously..what is wrong with me! :(
  • ginique
    ginique Posts: 49 Member
    I'm so glad I found this thread!

    I spent years trying to fight PMS until finally I realized that I want what I want. I'm really good with my calories when it's not Flo season. However, I've tried drinking more water, substituting with healthier snacks, etc., and NONE of that works for me during that TOM. The reason why it doesn't work for me is purely psychological - if I'm craving pizza, all the salad and water and fruit in the world isn't going to get my mind off of that craving. If I want a cheeseburger and fries, I'm not going to be happy until I have it. Trying to fight it or substitute during PMS only pisses me off. lol

    I try to minimize the "damage" by upping my workouts and eating very clean the week before and after. My body helps me out as well since once PMS leaves the building, I have almost NO appetite. That makes it even easier for me to be good with my meals. In short, PMS is difficult enough without the added stress of fighting cravings and feeling angst and guilt over food. At least for me. So I just don't worry about it and carry on with the good once it's passed.
  • DaysFlyBy
    DaysFlyBy Posts: 243 Member
    I'm resurrecting this thread simply because reading it is saving me tonight. I srsly thought I was some PMS freak, I was almost in tears earlier. Now I'm still angry but less lonely. I heard evening primrose oil helps, as does borage oil. Totally going out to hunt some down tomorrow. I hate PMS, it's a 7 day unrelenting, insane hunger vs willpower battle. When I resist I'm angry at the world and a total *****, if I succumb I feel fat and nasty and hate myself. 7 days of hell no matter what.
  • Kotek1985
    Kotek1985 Posts: 9 Member
    200g Family Blocks of chocolate need to say away from me once a month... or at least I need to stay away from them :p
  • laurie571
    laurie571 Posts: 152 Member
    I once ate an entire can of Betty Crocker Vanilla Cream Cheese Frosting... and used a Dairy Milk chocolate bar as a spoon....that was a shameful day!
    you are my hero
  • 11kimberly11
    11kimberly11 Posts: 65 Member
    I think I heard once that your metabolism increases during this time. Man I hope so ;)
  • nursejessb
    Last month I ate an entire 12 inch round cake (with loads of butter cream frosting) from the bakery all by myself. In one sitting, LOL! I don't even like those types of cake and I still felt compelled to eat it. I felt like crap for 3 days. My new rule is that I don't go to the store on my own when it's that time of the month. :smile:
  • Hyzaarc
    Hyzaarc Posts: 67 Member
    Normally pints of ice cream. Literally pints.
    Second that, and the worst type for you too; Ben&Jerry's.
    I've been beyond tempted to eat a half gallon of Ice cream I've got in the freezer, and It's taking all of my will power to not pig out on mac and cheese as well (another guilty pleasure of mine).
  • missallenxox
    missallenxox Posts: 175 Member
    i use to binge eat out of control.. i mean literally raid the cupboards. theres an intervention show and it showed a girl eating all her parents food. lol i wasnt that bad, but sure felt that bad. trust me u are not alone lol
  • Raphi_roo
    Same here. Just spent the past two adys eating everything in sight. Back on track today BIG TIME!!