thanks. wow I didn't realise they were that high
that's true, and I do have my own things to snack on. I'm just not good with temptation!
wow you did so well there! :) good one
thanks loads guys! I wish advertisers wouldn't take advantage of our weak spots like they do
Hi there I'm from Wigan near manchester
thanks x
you guys are amazing. thank you thank you and thank you again. I have seen what I did wrong and cannot wait to start tomorrow and do it right! good luck to everyone, its so great that we have each other, someone who understands
I wish I didn't live with my parents then I could limit the amount of food in the house, but they like their chocolate and biscuits so there's allot in the cupboards...and they're out right now which meant kitchen raid!
no I don't think I am eating enough to be honest, I lost a kelo this week...maybe its too fast?
thanks for the protein advice. could you possibley give me some examples of high protein foods? thanks
wow thanks everyone! you have made me feel so much better. off to bed now, then in the morning off to join the gym! still 5 days to go till next weigh-in, plenty of time to sort things out! thanks again x
thanks everyone, really useful stuff. the amount of milk I use is litterally a couple of drops just to take the bitterness away, so I don't think I'll include it. thanks again, Jen