living with others?

I'm looking for others who understand how hard it is living with other people as in friends or family. I live with my mum and dad. I find this difficult as there is always quite allot of food in the house, and probably not the healthiest food either. I feel that I can't ask them to reduce the amount or type of food in the house because its not fair on them. also if someone else is cooking its hard to dictate what is surved and what size the portions are like. does anyone else have this worry? thanks,
Jen x


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    You don't have control over what someone else cooks but you always have control over portion size, if someone is cooking meat and going to add breading or sauces ask them to leave yours plain and maybe get some healthy things for yourself to snack on.
  • thejenster90
    that's true, and I do have my own things to snack on. I'm just not good with temptation!