

  • hey lady, i just started too in chicago. I'm nervous about this 6 'meals' a day thing. But i'm more nervous about what the workout today's going to be. (and how its going to hurt). i'll friend you and we can compare notes/ share food ideas. Good luck today!
  • I'm starting the 10 week challenge april 6. any pointers? i'm out of shape and scared.
  • i'm not big on smoothies. but if you get a good thermos, you can probably keep soup hot for a few hours. my stainless steel thing keeps my coffee HOT if i don't open it. i'd imagine it works just as well with a brothy soup.
  • me too. i didn't even get close for march. but april is time to begin again.
  • i'm trying to get to a point where i can do the full pushups (no knees!!). so it took me a couple of days. but i did 12 and 13.
  • almost 70 degrees in chicago. i accidentally walked for 90 minutes!!
  • i did a cardio barre class at my gym. it was a lot of jumping and a little bit of strength work. felt like a dufus, but i did it anyway. :) nice work everyone.
  • March 1- 159.5 i also joined a March 10lb challenge group. so my goal weight at the end of this is 149.5. fingers crossed. March 5- March 12- March 19- March 26- March 31-
  • WHAT DO YOU USE AS MOTIVATIONS? the scale. i finally hit a weight that made me so disgusted with myself that i made some major diet changes. and its working. and honestly, after the first week or so, it got pretty easy. i just wish i'd been disgusted with myself 10 lbs ago. Now i just want to wear a size 8 again. two sizes…
  • i'm too excited to wait til friday for the weigh in. lets get this party started! sw 159.5 gw 149.5 (oh the sweet sweet 140's, man i hope this works!)
  • the 'no processed foods' day is gonna be really hard for me. i'll have to start planning for that now. i'm also not quite sure what i'm going to do for 'play a sport for 45 minutes' either. anyone have suggestions?
  • i'm always looking for people to keep me motivated. feel free to friend me. 5'7" SW 168 CW 162 GW 140
  • hi, i'm linda. i started at the beginning of this year and have found that these types of challenges really help me get my a** off the couch and get started. My goal for this month is to lose 10lbs. It took me two months to lose 8 just dieting. but i'm ramping up the exercise starting NOW! Good luck everyone! (and if you…
  • my mouth is watering. if only i didn't have to wait 6-7 hours.... thanks for posting!
  • i would have invited my friends earlier. i did it alone for about a month to see if i'd keep it up. but the site got a lot more fun when my friends joined. i would have added all my measurements on day one (you can add more fields under Settings, Diary Settings)
  • hard boiled eggs morningstar chipotle blackbean burgers water grapefruit V8
  • i weigh once first thing in the morning and once before i go to bed. knowing that i have the bedtime weigh-in sometimes keeps me in line when i'm tempted to have dessert or another drink w/ dinner. so its not all bad. but i do get discouraged when my numbers go up even slightly. i've decided to only record my pm weight on…