

  • Do what works for you! I have a coworker doing both, and the funny things is by the time she tracks on both, her point value for WW equates to what her calorie target is on MFP. So it's not about which tool, but which tool works for you and you'll continue to use! Good luck in your journey, after losing 10lbs i fell off…
  • Stuff newspaper in them! it really does work, along with all of the other suggestions. I used to throw my shoes on barefoot (no socks) to run an errand or something, that would cause them to stink.
  • Cathy, So glad to find someone out there with a professional background! Here's my situation... I've been working out seriously since the begining of the new year, before that I had always been athletic. About a week and a half ago I started to get shin splints, so I eased up on running and switched to biking/elpitical.…
  • That's what I've been doing! No snacks. I am apart of a health program at work and the nutritionist was actually sharing how snacks spike you metabolism and cause those cravings. If you are sticking to well rounded, filling meals, you should be able to make it 3-4 hours between meals. Also in the digestion process, if you…
  • There is an old saying... eat Breakfast like a king, Lunch like a Queen, and Dinner like a Pauper.... aka- breakfast should be your biggest meal of the day. (I'll admit that lunch is my big meal, I'm just not hungry in the morning) I am a snooze button fan, so my grab and go breakfast is greek yogurt, fruit, and a granola…