Momto4minions Member


  • How quickly are you dropping? .5-1 lb a week is good. If you lost six lbs in 45 days, you are on track.
  • With four kids under is always warranted. I have four kids of varied is a win-win. Lol It is mostly water retention. Take a few days to reset in yur diet and exercise. There are lots of ways to drop weight more quickly. Low/no carb is one of them. Atkins can show you ten lbs lost the first week.…
  • I am walking right now to get a handle on adjusting to the change, Strangely, I seem to have more energy on my down day and less on my up. I think this is because i exercise in the morning and I am pulling from the fuel from the day before? I walk several miles on the tread mill, 3 on average at 4.0 mph. Anyhow, I am at…
  • The quote, " I use fat for protection," just hit a little close to home. I can totally agree. I previously said it was eating with the kids and mindlessly...but I think it really was further back, even before some medical issues with pregnancies. I started eating for comfort from trauma and just let that extra padding let…
  • Yes, it was the first thing I learned here and has NEVER led me astray. I also have a weird relationship with food, so I get it. I also know, that for me, this means i like to not write it down, or I pretend a little bite wont matter. It does. It all does. So, my new attitude is i Weigh Food more than I ever weigh myself!
  • He said he failed tape too...
  • Not really healthy, but as an only girl with three brothers who were all high school wrestlers... Get a sauna suit from walmart fitness section. Jog and sweat. Spit in a cup the whole time. Weigh in. Drink a ton of Gatorade to rehydrate then eat. If you want to do it less um, heat stroke inducing, go carb free for a week,…
  • We all have different life styles, eating habits, health issues, etc. We come to this place of getting healthier for different reasons. We use different methods. We have different bodies. Some people are already more able to exercise. Some people can restrict calories and never feel like they need a cheat or never binge.…
  • Sometimes, it is warranted. I would listen to a divorced person on some marital things, esp if they are saying why they think they failed. I would however not consider it always good advice! Lol I would not take nutritn advice from an obviously overweight or out of shape doctor or nutritionist. I think the idea is to use…
  • Food! I tend to munch without thinking. Logging is the best thing in the world for me. I would make a healthy lunch and then snack while making olates and still make a full plate for myself. If the kids snacked, I did too... I just ate without thinking of what it was or why or when. I was often eating like my kids and…
  • To get over it I do a few things. 1) my hunger even when I was eating well subsided when I started a multi vitamin. My body was sasking for something. :) 2) drink a large glass of water and wait 30 mins. 3) if you are still hungry eat something filling, but low cal. Salad, raw veggies, chicken breast portion, etc. 4) if…
  • Spend the money on a food scale. Weigh everything. Example of why, peanut butter servings say tbsp and grams. They will give very different results doing a metal sppon, vs a measuring spoon vs a scale. It can be a WHOLE serving different! A platue is normal, but measuing is the absolute way go to count calories. I can…
  • I do weigh every day, BUT I only write it down and record it once a week, on the same day at the same time. Weight can fluctuate lbs over one day depending on bathroom habits, time of day, hormones and water fluctuations. I think women are even more prone to this due to time of the month! Relax. Look at everything, drink…
  • I used to be very, i tend to get backed up...and then clean out. And yes, it seems to be related to impending weight loss.
  • For the first time in four years, everything in my closet fits. I gained and had donated a lot, but what I saved fits. Some is snug, but there was a time it did not go over my thighs!
  • I bought sodium free chicken bullion. 10 cals a packet! Hot water and sip it!totally helps. Also, celery!
  • Oh, the othr thing that helps me is to weight daily, but record it on a spread sheet ONCE a WEEK on the same week day. This gives me a better visual of loss, as the day to day can really fluctuate. Also, I like having the ability to say, hey, I ddint drop much this week, but in three weeksI lost xyz and in five weeks, I…
  • Okay, so I am not a nutritionist, nor a physician...but I agree a thyroid and blood sugar check would be important. Also, with so much weight already lost, your body may be struggling to catch up. Take a week to maintain this weight, then drop your calories by 100 or so each day and be sure you are eating protein heavy…
  • It totally reduces chaffinf for me. I also hate getting wedgie on a run and breaking stride to deal with it. So, wear running legging s or capris. :) If I have an older pair, with a stretxhed seam, I add shorts over them! Or a cute running skirt!
  • Use the recipe function on the add food page. You list all ingredients and put in the number of servings. It tell you calories and nutrition. I make a meat and veggie at each meal, some times add a side of carb, if it fits the meal. Sometimes, two or three veggies works better. I slowly cut out the side dishes that were…
  • Perimenopause can start as early as late 20s or early 30s for some. It is worth a call to your GYN and some blood work to see what is up.
  • I find this interesting, in that this year, i chose a mantra for 2014 instead of a resolution. My mantra, " It is okay to be selfish!" I am a mom of 4. I homeschool. I am a wonderful wife. I cook all of our food from scratch, due to celiac and food allergies. I do for everyone. I noticed, that I was never doing for me. So,…
  • Had some ouch pain and took twoo weeks off. Going back to week three this week to ease back in. Got to get my butt ready for spring runs!
  • Wonderful! So glad you got over your nerves and had fun. I often get insomnia before a race. I fear not waking up to go! Lol
  • Good job. I also love blogilates. Her videos are short and painful! Lol
  • You have done 5K before in a race setting, so you know there are walkers, joggers, interval a just psyching yourself out! Go, have fun! Take pics! Celebrate how healthy you are!
  • Metabolife. Metabolic research center... As a teen, they gave me pills and a guided eating plan, list of forbidden foods, and weekly weigh ins...i ddi drop a lot of lbs, and I did gain it back....and it was all ephedra based then. Not sure what it is now, as it still exists. :/
  • I make a dozen boiled eggs at a time, so they are always there to grab and go. I love pickles. Celery, with or without PB Almonds Air popped pop corn I also cook chicken breasts and keep them on hand, so I can grab some chicken and Food Should Taste Good multi grain crackers.