

  • how many calories does a annorexic eat.....i thought they didnt eat at all lol
  • thats awsome, happy healthy to you too hun, and i hope you enjoy x
  • it just means that the person that made the food available to you didnt enter its protein amount, you can easily make up your own foods aswell, you just click down the bottom ,i think it says "cant find what your looking for" or "add your own" something along those lines, i add my own just to be sure all the time....
    in protein Comment by marly83 April 2011
  • i rang my whole family and told them i won 75 grand on a scratchie lol
  • i burn 150 cals on my vibration machine........but ive gotton really lazy lol i just stand there on the machine for 10 mins and let it do its thing.........
  • any movement is excercise hun, kids alone have you running rings lol, i think counting calories works if your active enouph without excercise, but if your sitting on ya butt all day i dont think it would, as long as you keep active a drink a minimum of 2 litres of water a day i think it will work...........but im no…
  • I WAS THE SAME!!!! you want to no what i did, and when i write this, dont think about wastage or money ect ect, BECAUSE, FAST FOOD IS ALOT MORE EXPENSIVE!!! i just had a mental moment, threw out all the junk in the house, even the kids junk, chocolate ect and went food shopping and spent every cent i had on low fat high…
  • i have been taking apidexin for 2 weeks and been calorie counting and full on excersise every day and havent lost a thing! any suggestions on what im doing wrong would be helpful, im 5 foot 1 and 72 kilos. thanks
  • i only just started, so i could use a friend =)