Losing without excercise?

Hi everyone,

I'm a new mom who's jus headed back to work and just cant seem to find the time to excercise.. how effective do u thinking counting calories alone is? I've lost almost 4 pounds in my first week of just counting calories without excercising... Anyone here who did it without excercising?


  • marly83
    marly83 Posts: 10
    any movement is excercise hun, kids alone have you running rings lol, i think counting calories works if your active enouph without excercise, but if your sitting on ya butt all day i dont think it would, as long as you keep active a drink a minimum of 2 litres of water a day i think it will work...........but im no professional..........thats just my opinion
  • solrak1969
    solrak1969 Posts: 92 Member
    It is possible. My first few months of weight loss was done without exercise.
  • sargent1976
    sargent1976 Posts: 33 Member
    I haven't done any exercise yet and i am losing weight each week. I know i will have to do some toning soon but finding the time is very hard. Counting calories is so simple and effective. I have been doing some extra walking and lots of un-necessary trips up the stairs at home but i haven't done any 'proper exercise'. Good luck, just keep counting the calories and it will come off, maybe just a little slower.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    It depends where you're at...

    If you're very overweight you can still make a lot of inroads just by dietary lifestyle changes alone.

    However, if you're already relatively lean and want to lose 10-15lb then diet alone may take you a long time to make little progress.
  • stella77
    stella77 Posts: 282
    Yes, I did it without any real exrecise whatsoever. The only thing I did was 30 min fast walking with my son in the morning (me pushing the stroller). I was able to fit this in because my son used to wake up so early. He doesn't wake up as early anymore, so most days we don't get to do that anymore - but I am still losing weight.

    And I also do 3 sets of 10 situps a day (well, most days)

    I learned to accept my limitations (i.e. I had numerous gym memberships and always stopped going after a month or so) and to actually make this realistic for myself. And realistically, I know I won't ever be a great exercise fan.

    I am now much lighter and feel great and do actually feel like doing more- so have decided to take a yoga class 3x a week with my friend. Not sure if I will stick to that, but it is worth a try.

    Anyway, from what I can see, people who try to change to much too soon - usually give up sooner than the ones who make small changes. And I believe that once you lose a good amount of weight, you WILL feel like moving your body more. I would wait for that, rather than make myself do it . I never managed to stick to anything (long term) that requires too mush willpower or committment.

    I have been on this since 03 Oct 2010 and still going strong. :)
  • rfcollins33
    rfcollins33 Posts: 630
    you can definitely lose weight without exercise, it's all about balancing with your caloric intake. As long as you are taking in less than you are burning you will lose weight. Now, I didn't say thats the healthiest option, but it is physiologically fact.
  • chiarajulieann
    it's very possible. i lost weight on calorie counting alone. the key is to always keep within your limit or thereabouts. good luck!
  • jbaden01
    jbaden01 Posts: 10
    My first month and a half was with little excercise. 20 minute walk, nothing strenuous. I am now doing about 800 calories/day on the elliptical machine, shooting baskets and walking the golf course and I am still losing just 2 lbs/week. So, my muscles feel better, my golf swing speed seems a little faster and my energy picked up but as for the weight loss, I don't think it really mattered.
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    You can lose weight without exercise, but exercise will help!

    Even as little as taking the stairs rather than taking the lift, or parking the car that little bit further away can count as additional exercise.

    I recently bought a DVD in the 10 Minute Solutions range. They're designed for people who may only be able to fit that 10 minutes into their day! I've been doing it for a few days now, and I'm already noticing a difference in my fitness level
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    It also depends on your metabolism. I have 83 lbs. left to lose and an almost non-existent metabolism. If I don't work out everyday, I don't lose a lb. and that's WITH a huge calorie deficit. You just have to see what works for you. :) Good luck!
  • cerysrhi
    cerysrhi Posts: 262
    you should be able to lose without exercise as your cals are restricted to achieve a set weight loss however if like me you have quite a bit of weight to lose if you don't exercise you will end up with excess flabby skin also I find that at 1230 cals I need to exercise to earn extra cals for my meals x
  • skinimin
    skinimin Posts: 252 Member
    I am very lean and only looking to lose a few kilos and I lost about 2kg in 3 weeks on just calorie counting alone, though I have a very fast metabolism and I was eating pretty much just fruit and vegetables everyday and my lunch was always celery with another low cal fruit/vegetable. So like 1 stalk of celery and 1 medium sized apple, which filled me up but isn't enough for most people. I think looking after children will give you all the exercise you need though.
  • cerysrhi
    cerysrhi Posts: 262
    I recently bought a DVD in the 10 Minute Solutions range. They're designed for people who may only be able to fit that 10 minutes into their day! I've been doing it for a few days now, and I'm already noticing a difference in my fitness level

    I have loads of these DVD as they are so quick and you really get a burn from them there are about 30 in the range but my faves are the latin dance and kick boxing I also have the 30 day shred only 20mins and I can burn up to 600 cals in those 20 mins
  • StaceG1986
    StaceG1986 Posts: 350
    Before and over Xmas I didn't exercise for about 8 weeks (we were moving and decorating right before Xmas) and still managed to lose, but I don't think I could do it long term, I feel a bit lost without exercise! (Even though some days I can't be bothered lol!)
  • LeeKetty1176
    LeeKetty1176 Posts: 881 Member
    counting the cals is a great start...... and gives you the push and you see results........ then adding the burns helps...not sure if JUST counting will get the goals you want longer term
  • oxFaithxo
    oxFaithxo Posts: 160 Member
    i have lost all 12 of my lbs with no exercise... just calorie counting since January. Unfortunately this week i weighed in and i have not lost any lbs. ALSO, my calorie intake lowered because i lost 10lbs... making it harder to stay within what i should be at so i NEED and MUST start exercising so i can "earn" some more food....

    I am the same way... between a 2 year old working 50 hours a week, cooking cleaning washing, and then on the weekend visiting family and friends i cant find time to exercise... what i do is

    1) Wheni visit with friends i see if they want to go to the mall and WINDOW shop... i push the baby in a stroller and walk and walk and walk
    2) when i go shopping grocery or what not... i go up and down EVERY ISLE... more walking walking walking....
    3) at home i chase, run and pick up my 30 lbs two year old... and i do it until i cant anymore LOL

    these are ways i try and fit some "active" time in...

    GOOD LUCK :)
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    of course you can lose with proper nutrition now if you dont exercise your body wont tone up or shape well...good luck
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    You can absolutely lose without exercise; however, as you age your metabolism slows partly due to muscle loss. So, in order to maintain the same caloric intake as you get older, it is better to do strength training. There are a lot of other good reasons to do so also. Cardio is good for burning calories in the short term, but won't build muscles in the long term. If you are a busy mom, I wouldn't worry about it for now, but do think about it for the future and for your long-term health goals.
  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
    What most personal trainers won't tell you is that a controlled, well-balanced diet is 80% of the weight loss game. But we have good reasons for not sharing that information -- we know how exercise is critical to maintaining as much lean muscle mass as possible so that you don't ultimately gain it all back someday. If you'd like an example of how this works, check out my recent post: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/187973-an-email-response-that-might-help-some

    Try to get any exercise in. Do push ups and squats or anything every now and then. Even if you do these for only five minutes, about six times a day, it'll make a difference. Good luck!
  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    I can't work out due to a medical issue and have been losing with diet alone. It's very possible. Good luck and feel free to friend me.