Stuck in a rut since Christmas

Hi all. I'm stuck. I reached my initial goal weigh in early November. I continued to exercise and maintained my weight to within a lb or two. I felt great! I decided after Christmas that I wanted to get back to my goal weight and loose an additional 4 lbs, taking me down to 10stone 4lbs (150lbs BMI of 21.9) with the hope of being able to maintain below 11 stone in the future. But my routine got all out of sinc between Christmas and newyear and I just can't seem to throw myself back into it.
It hasn't helped that I've had a cold the last few days and so haven't been able to exercise, and because I've not been exercising I've had the 'what the heck' mentality and have eaten what I want when I want it. Wich basically means very little real food and lots of chocolate cake and biscuits. I even droped out of my own exercise challenge. Where as last month I loved working with others in a challenge group and did really well. This morning I'm 3lbs up on my original goal weight:sad:
I just can seem to work up the energy to climb back up on the wagon. What do you do when you feel like this?


  • Dlibo1013
    Dlibo1013 Posts: 883 Member
    I look at photos of this beautiful lady from Whales and say i can do it too :-), hang in thier pal
    Hi all. I'm stuck. I reached my initial goal weigh in early November. I continued to exercise and maintained my weight to within a lb or two. I felt great! I decided after Christmas that I wanted to get back to my goal weight and loose an additional 4 lbs, taking me down to 10stone 4lbs (150lbs BMI of 21.9) with the hope of being able to maintain below 11 stone in the future. But my routine got all out of sinc between Christmas and newyear and I just can't seem to throw myself back into it.
    It hasn't helped that I've had a cold the last few days and so haven't been able to exercise, and because I've not been exercising I've had the 'what the heck' mentality and have eaten what I want when I want it. Wich basically means very little real food and lots of chocolate cake and biscuits. I even droped out of my own exercise challenge. Where as last month I loved working with others in a challenge group and did really well. This morning I'm 3lbs up on my original goal weight:sad:
    I just can seem to work up the energy to climb back up on the wagon. What do you do when you feel like this?
  • skeene07
    skeene07 Posts: 57 Member
    OMG! I can totally relate. Except I have not been exercising since Xmas and have been eating so bad. And I have gained back 8 lbs.
    I just recommitted on Thursday. Exercising and eating within my limits.
    Good luck! It's better to turn it around now before you are back where you started!
  • Ashlea_M
    Ashlea_M Posts: 165 Member
    I look at photos of this beautiful lady from Whales and say i can do it too :-), hang in thier pal
    Hi all. I'm stuck. I reached my initial goal weigh in early November. I continued to exercise and maintained my weight to within a lb or two. I felt great! I decided after Christmas that I wanted to get back to my goal weight and loose an additional 4 lbs, taking me down to 10stone 4lbs (150lbs BMI of 21.9) with the hope of being able to maintain below 11 stone in the future. But my routine got all out of sinc between Christmas and newyear and I just can't seem to throw myself back into it.
    It hasn't helped that I've had a cold the last few days and so haven't been able to exercise, and because I've not been exercising I've had the 'what the heck' mentality and have eaten what I want when I want it. Wich basically means very little real food and lots of chocolate cake and biscuits. I even droped out of my own exercise challenge. Where as last month I loved working with others in a challenge group and did really well. This morning I'm 3lbs up on my original goal weight:sad:
    I just can seem to work up the energy to climb back up on the wagon. What do you do when you feel like this?

    That is so sweet! and I agree you're inspiring! You can do this :)
  • marly83
    marly83 Posts: 10
    I WAS THE SAME!!!! you want to no what i did, and when i write this, dont think about wastage or money ect ect, BECAUSE, FAST FOOD IS ALOT MORE EXPENSIVE!!! i just had a mental moment, threw out all the junk in the house, even the kids junk, chocolate ect and went food shopping and spent every cent i had on low fat high protein foods, fruit veg nuts rice crackers for kids, low fat dairy, well now i have no choice for the week unless i go hungry!!!! lol no bread even in this house, my kids are living on fruit veg, rice crackers and lots of dairys like yogurt and stuff, it helped me :)
  • Adsnwfld
    Adsnwfld Posts: 262 Member
    Get on the treadmil, stepper, bike, even if you are working at 5 METS and stay on it. Find that inner strength to go just 5 more minutes and get to 30. Then eat something healthy to recover your strength.
    Log every bite and tell yourself I will not go over, I AM worth it and I CAN do it.

    The reason we fall is so we can learn to pick ourself up.

    You can do it!
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    Just try to think of it as one day at a time. Set very small goals with small rewards, don't focus on how much weight you have put on. For example, start with something like, 'i will do 20 minutes of cardio on sunday' and reward yourself with... I don't know... a hot chocolate? Don't get overwhelmed and down on yourself. I am exercising 4-5 times a week (cardio and strength training) and being pretty careful about my food intake and just can't lose the last couple of kilos. Exercise isn't just about losing weight anyway, think of all the added health benefits. If I were you I would just make a small goal for each day, but be careful about the food- try to keep 'bad' foods out of the house and plan your meals. Without knowing what you will be eating for the day you will most likely end up eating more...
    Good luck! You look great, by the way :) Don't stress it
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Aw thatnk you all so much! When I was loosing I always used to plan my meals and snacks in advance, its someting I'd fogotten when I was maintainging and had more spare calories. Also as soon as I'm better I'll be back to exercising, I know once I'll start I'll get the bug again, its just the thought of it! Feeling much brighter now.Thanks for all your lovely comments.
  • sevangelista
    Start by stopping. Stop beating yourself up. It's easy to say what the heck once in a while but if you beat yourself up and fell guilty and bad about it, you demotivate yourself to no say what the heck the next day. Stop saying I can't. You made great strides to get to where you are and hit your celebrate the fact and the reality that you CAN. This is all about choices...not the choice to be perfect at every minute and about every choice but the choice to live a healthier lifestyle over the long term.

    You can do this, you have done it, it's whY you make a small choice today and go for a walk.
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    You can do this, you have done it, it's whY you make a small choice today and go for a walk.

    i totally agree with the previous post. You can do it. Go for it.