FitJenJen Member


  • I have wondered this, too! I can lose the batter and just enjoy the fish inside. I also wonder how the nutrition then compares to baked fish with butter vs. fried in batter (and batter removed). Any nutrition experts/?
  • How about dropping weight of your deadlifts while building the surrounding core muscles to help mitigate risk of injury to lower back?
  • ^I TOTALLY AGREE I've had eczema for years and a salt bath sounds like it would hurt. My dermatologist suggests Eucerin lotion daily, that helps prevent the worst. When it does get bad, my Dr. prescribes a cream.
  • What were you afraid of exactly? - of him askign you to do something you couldn't? (that's my fear that I have gotten over with mine).
  • Congratulations! I have followed your progress and you've been doing so great! You stayed on course and your hard work shows. Thank you for being a motivator and a cheerleader to my updates as well. BEST WISHES!!
  • Your body's fat and hormones are connected. I remember seeing a Dr. Oz episode where he was showing a large fat deposit from a cadavear taken from that mid part of the body where many women carry fat. He was explaining how extra fat (in overweight women, I don't mean like 5-10 lbs only) it can effect cycles, moods,…
  • Nice! I started weight training in April and am so glad I did. I'm seeing great results! Keep it up!
  • What you eat in private, you will wear in public. "This is a goal I'm setting and I can reach it" "At some point in your life you have to face your fears and head in even though you can't be sure of the outcome. A great deal of people will never reach their dreams and it won't have anything to do with their ability or…
  • I needed that today! Thanks for the inspiration (as I portion out my healthy snack in 0.5 serving size) and gather the energy to do my strength training tonight! Keep up the good work!
  • I agree with asking someone at the gym for an "orientation" type appointment. I have belonged to 3 difft gyms and they were all accomodating on this kind of thing. They don't want anyone to get hurt! I just started with lifting and I bought a 6 week personal training session. I am having a trainer help me get into the…
  • It is also in nutrition and it shows up as a "negative" amount of consumed calories.
  • I did the same last night! It felt great! I pulled out a bin of clothes from "pre-pregnancy" and I tried on a few items and they all fit, comfortably. It satisfied my shopping itch and made me feel pretty good. Its funny I keep wearing some of my "bigger" stuff because I think, "I probably won't wear this much longer!"
  • Regarding food choices: "What you eat in private, you will wear in public", "work hard in the gym, work even harder in the kitchen" Exercise motivators: "You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great" "Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside of you that is…
  • This does not look like good science. I'm very skeptical.
  • You look amazing and beautiful! Congratulations on your hard work and dedication. It is such an inspiration to see the success stories! WAY TO GO!
  • When you say your "doctor" do you mean your general or an OB/GYN? I would ask them more questions, don't be afraid to ask! :smile: I am not a doctor, but from what I understand of biochem, your body does need some fat to make hormones, and hormones play a role with your cycle. You may have heard before that gymnasts and…
  • I'm also curious for this answer, does anyone track sugar?
    in sugar Comment by FitJenJen March 2012
  • Great job! You're such an inspiration! I LOVE LOVE LOVE looking at the before and after pictures of everyone who has met their goals and stuck with the program. I really appreciate all of you who do it, because its really powerful motivation for others. I love seeing SO MANY SUCCESS stories on here too.
  • I'm also too new to know what "macro" means. My rules are few so far: -Sip water all day -Move around all day (not just sit at desk job), and be active with kids in the evening -Focused exercise at least 2 times / week -Prepare fruit and veggies for snacks -No sugar sweetened drinks
  • Down 3 pounds since joining MFP and 7 lbs total. <3 Good Luck to All! Keep up the good work everyone! I am motivated by everyone else's success~!
  • I would like to join too! Today is my first day using MFP. I just want to say how motivating it is to see other people's tag lines that show how much weight they've lost. I want to be like all of you and have my own soon. Good luck to all!