Welcome! You can do it!!!
You know your body! I'm 6' and currently weigh 176 pounds...but I feel my best at 150-155. If you are making healthy choices and you are consuming enough calories and're doing it right. If you are concerned talk with your doctor.
I do Zumba three nights a week and just started a Boot Camp that meets two mornings a week. I say go for it!!
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I'm in!! Just signed up for the 30 day challenge on! NameStart WeightCurrent Weight+ / - elipticallover160.0158.5(-1.5 LBS) Fredder15153.0144.0(-9.0 LBS) Gchick64140.0138.0(-2.0 LBS) MericoX270.0270.0(0 LBS) *My weigh in is tonight! mstarrett01167.7156.6(-10.1 LBS) scncartist197197(0 LBS) *I'll weigh in…
Not sure where you live...check out farmer's markets or food cooperatives or community garden projects. Try to find resources in your area! Good can do it! Buying in bulk and making more of your own meals vs. buying processed and prepackaged food saves and is healthier!…
You can do it!!!
Anywhere between 400 and 900 calories depending on your body and how vigorously you participate. I burn about 550 calories really pushing myself in 60 minutes.
Welcome! Our goals and weight are almost the same! WE CAN DO IT!!! :wink:
Our local Zumba class starts up on August I'm in!