Boot Camp

Has anyone done one of these classes? Am I crazy for enrolling in that on Tuesdays and Zumba on Sundays?


  • Becka77
    Becka77 Posts: 284 Member
    I did a bootcamp for 6 months last summer, it was pretty hardcore, especially since I was going from zero exercise straight to a full-blown intense workout. They are all different though, so it's hard to say what it will be like. My only suggestion is to be careful on what exercises they have you do. I lost 20 lbs but actually increased in size because of the workouts we were doing. My legs and delts got HUGE, I was starting to look a little Incredible Hulkish. I had to quit working out for 3-4 months afterwards to get my muscles to shrink back down to normal before starting another exercise program.
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    I have done Zumba and a bootcamp class with any workout like these I think it depends on the instructor I do some Zumba classes and I feel like I have been a ring boxing 12 rounds and then some days I get an instuctor that's not that good and I have to boost myself up to get a good burn. So for you I hope you have a kick butt instructor.

    As for bootcamp I have done it twice and the groups I have been in they have been a large variety of workouts geared to give you a full body workout I like it because it's a challenge and a wide variety or different workouts you never know what you going to get!!
  • isislc
    isislc Posts: 140 Member
    No you are not crazy, that is how I started my lifestyle change. To keep from having knee surgery I joined a boot camp to make my knee stronger and lose weight. Did great in the class and it helped me reach my goal of 85 lbs. When I did my boot camp, I did 3 days a week and double classes occasionally. I would then follow up with classes at my gym for my cardio days. The pattern is usually boot camp M, W, F: Cardio days T, TH, Sa and Sunday would be your recovery day. Wash, rinse, spin, repeat!

    If it is a true boot camp, the trainer will give you alternate exercises if you have any injury issues and proper techniques. They usually also include a meal plan of some sort and will have a break for a week or two in between 4-6 week sessions. I love my boot camp and would recommend it highly. Helps develope that focus to be able to stay on track to achieve your goals. Congrats on the move, you will be seeing results in no time!

    One final suggestion. You may want to take a plastic bag with you for your first week or two. When I started boot camp, I puked the first 2 weeks and stayed nauseated for another 2 afterwards. lol :sick:
  • ScoobieGirl
    I do Zumba three nights a week and just started a Boot Camp that meets two mornings a week. I say go for it!!
  • isislc
    isislc Posts: 140 Member
    Angel, I want to thank you for posting this topic. Since you first posted it, I had been thinking about it every day. In my previous post I mentioned that I used to belong to a boot camp and I recommended joining one. Well, I got back in touch with my old boot camp trainer recently and am going back!

    I'm still recuperating from a car accident a year ago which has left a lot of nerve damage. After explaining that to him, he is going to work with me in like a "beginner" camp to help me get passed my fears with stretching, mobility, and minimizing nerve pain. Thanks again for starting this fire in my head!