

  • good job on starting! that's always the hardest part. i am sure you will read about lots of tips on here, but my best advice to you is to start cooking yourself. buy vegetables, meats, etc at the store and make your meals. it is so much easier to know what is going into your body that way - and you can eliminate the junk…
  • i like your sticker idea. rewards and numbers totally work for me - so getting to put up a sticker might just do the trick. my problem is that i can be 100% on track when it is just me. but when friends or family are involved - i let myself cheat and then it goes downhill. my sister was in town last weekend. one good day.…
  • Try adding chocolate protein powder to things like yogurt and oatmeal. I mix a scoop of chocolate protein powder with nonfat greek yogurt. Tastes chocolatey (and not too much like protein powder). Tons of protein. I also try to eat a savory snack (as they are easier to find) regardless of the craving - and its changed my…
  • I knew I was hanging out with friends last night, and pizza was going to be the dinner option - with cookies and chips to make a well rounded meal. So, I went to thy gym beforehand, worked out - had one chip, one itty bitty cookie, and yes, some pizza for dinner. I know that sounds horrible - but it is such an improvement.
  • i meant my last post to be a reply to maryjacks81's post...but i messed something up. oops!
  • I feel ya! It took me months of thinking about it, but now that I am actually doing it - it is much easier than I thought. It's the first step - the first time you go to the gym - that's the hardest. Now, I actually get excited to work out because I see the numbers drop. I joined this site years ago, but never did much…
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