So frustrated with me.

I do really well for 2 weeks and then I have one bad thing to eat, or one bad day, or a sick day and I go right back to my old habits. I am constantly starting over - for YEARS now. I feel like there is this wall in front of me and I climb up it only to get knocked down again. How do I get over this? I am just....stuck! I need to loose 85 pounds. I know its supposed to be one day at a time and I need to break it up into smaller chunks..blah blah.. but that still doesn't work. Even though my health is suffering (high blood pressure, etc.) I still can't pull my head out and do what I need to do. I feel so bad about myself because of this. I'm not a weak minded person. I'm educated, I'm smart, and I'm motivated. Every area of my life is great...except my weight. Help! What did you do that finally worked? Do I need to try counseling? Hypnotherapy? What??????????


  • karenhray7
    karenhray7 Posts: 219 Member
    I finally had to go to a weight loss specialist. What was most helpful to me was understanding the science behind obesity and how to stop the cycle. I've lost almost 40#, but have been mostly maintaining for the last two months because I'm not doing what I know I need to in order to continue to lose. But the real change is that I'm not beating myself up over it. This is not a diet for me, nor a weight loss plan, it's how I will need to eat to be healthy for the rest of my life. And I'm okay with that. When I don't focus on what I've done wrong or the bad choices I make, it's a lot easier to get back on track with the next meal or day. And I really think that's the key. It has nothing to do with will power, or being weak minded. Some days we fall down. If we keep getting back up we will eventually stand tall and strong.

    Good luck!
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    it's okay to have one bad thing or one bad day along the way. I have ice cream almost every night. I had a donut with breakfast the other day (and not the healthy kind - the cream-filled kind!).

    I might suggest that you need to look at your diet plan and try to work the bad stuff in with the good. I can't see your diary, but your calorie goal may be too aggressive or your thinking may just need some adjusting. If you're set to lose two pounds a week and find yourself hungry, dial it back to one pound a week. Build in some cheat days every month. Don't think that you need to be perfect. Most of us haven't been!

    One thing that worked for me was to find little non-food rewards along the way. Every day I met my goals I got to put a sticker on the calendar. It's a silly reward system, but it let me see how well I'd done at a glance and I tried to have more sticker days than non-sticker days in any given week. That was my system and it may not work for you, but play around and find something that does.
  • tam87tam
    tam87tam Posts: 6
    i like your sticker idea. rewards and numbers totally work for me - so getting to put up a sticker might just do the trick.

    my problem is that i can be 100% on track when it is just me. but when friends or family are involved - i let myself cheat and then it goes downhill. my sister was in town last weekend. one good day. two bad days. its getting better though - in the past, it would have been 3 bad days. and, i know its a reality, and i plan for it and deal with it.
  • Mianjo1961
    Talk to you your dr and maybe he or she can help you with
    Some prescribe pills they can due it you have paid out your pocket
    My dr gave me a month supply it cost 67dollars but it a gave a jump start
    Know I don't need them and I am doing it on my on