lmores Member


  • I'm doing it too! Feel free to friend me!
  • Hi! I sent a bunch of requests today of people who posted their emails here. Feel free to PM me if you want to connect on MFP and Striiv. Especially with the new release it will be so much more motivating if I have friends!
  • Me too! I love striiv and would love the extra motivation! also at me on MFP too!
  • Thank you all for posting these motivational pictures and stories! I am just shy of 5'6" and currently at 160. My goal is to be 140 by 40. you have inspired me to take the dreaded BEFORE shots.... I can't wait to have my own AFTERS! Please feel free to add me if you are looking for friends and support!
  • I am back at it and looking for friends to keep me on track! will send FR!
  • Welcome back! I am 11 months away from 40 and want to be comfortably maintaining my weight by then! Would love friends who are trying to do the same!
  • I am also NOT a doctor but I was going to post the exact same thing. Also I got custom orthotics that helped but I first had heel pain in May and I am still not back to actually running.
    in Heel Pain Comment by lmores October 2012
  • Wow I had no idea this was so common! All the research out their is so outdated. I kept reading that this happens to people in northern climates or who have darker pigmant in their skin. I'm a stay at home mom who is outside all the time - walk the dog, play with the kids, etc and I live in NC where it is beautiful weather…
  • I've said the same thing. I don't know how much sugar is in Go Lean but I eat my plain yogurt with berries and then my morning snack is carrots and hummus and I'm sunk. How is a girl supposed to get enough calcium without going over on sugar? sorry I don't have an answer for you but I am sympathetic!
  • I don't have the answer but I have sympathy! I have three girls ages 3-7 and I have been struggling to put myself first but have had more failures then successes. Now I am 20+ lbs more then my pre-pregnancy weight and joined MFP to finally know what is going on with my body. I guess my only success is that I actually do…
  • totally agree with this. I eat a ton of fruits and veggies and work out. There is no way I can eat all I want and lose weight. I joined WW for the accountability, but then I realized I just could come here and make friends to keep me accountable - for FREE. ETA: I JUST last week quit WW and joined MFP!
  • I work out for selfish reasons - to have my "me" time, to feel better, to keep my blood pressure in check, to feel strong and powerful and good. I watch what I eat so I can lose weight.... that is the hard part for me. Since entering my late 30's (ahem) I have learned that working out does not mean I can eat whatever I…
  • Hi All, I am a 39 yo mother of three girls (ages 7,6 and 3). I have always struggled with my weight but before kids it was a 10 lb struggle, now 3 years after my last pregnancy I am working out more then ever but I am still 20+ lbs heavier then I want to be. Could be age, hormones, or all the peanut butter sandwiches I…
    in Welcome! Comment by lmores October 2012