

  • If it wasn't your brother, I could see how someone might think it's weird, but then again, that would still be her problem and not yours. I'd ask her why she thinks that and if she doesn't really give a good or clear answer, bring up that fact that it is your brother. Or perhaps it was her somewhat subtle way of telling…
  • It's a good hurt though. After you're done, you feel so damn good. I couldn't believe how good it felt after the first use. My back especially.
  • I too have gotten into the pattern for stopping and starting something new or starting over. I usually get fed up after a time of 2 of that, then stick with it the 3rd time - whatever I choose to do. I have a several of the Beachbody programs and have found P90X to be the best at losing fat, at least so far. There are a…
  • I think this 'starvation mode' thing is being lost in translation in here for some reason. When we talk about it, we're not talking about literal starvation where you're body breaks down muscle for fuel, but rather the point at which the body begins to retain fat and try to store it because of a caloric intake that is not…
  • That's fine, but I guarantee if you take in exactly what I wrote and ask if it's accurate, the answer will be basically, 'yes.' I only claimed that 'starvation mode' in the sense of keeping and storing fat because of a caloric intake that's too low is something that happens. I never claimed that your body will use muscle…
  • Notice I didn't say it will burn muscle. Muscle must be fed protein and some carbohydrate for repair and some excess for mass gain. When you do not get that, your performance will suffer, as will your muscle mass and strength. "Starvation Mode" is just a misunderstood and often misinterpreted term or concept (as I said in…
  • Let's try to clear something up. Starvation mode is when your body attempts to keep and/or store fat because it is not receiving the amount of calories or nutrients it needs. That does not mean you will not lose weight because weight doesn't just come from fat, but from muscle and water retention. If you are working out…
  • Actually, not true. Your body will lose muscle if you are not getting enough nutrients and protein to keep what you have. It doesn't necessarily 'break it down' for energy, but you lost the amount of muscle mass and the strength that comes with it. Starvation mode is just misunderstood, but it is a real thing.
  • its all about 'doing ur best and forgetting the rest' as they say in the workouts. as u get better, u push harder and harder. it shouldn't be 'easy' because if it is, ur not pushing hard enough. but when u start, the first week or two, u dont wanna push too hard cuz there is high probability that u'll be sore. it's worth…
  • what do u have that tells u the calories burned?
  • Day 3 of Week 3 & everything is going really well. My weight is slowly dropping which is exactly what I want. Pure Cardio is still super challenging and I don't think that'll ever change. Certain workouts gets easier, but I don't see these getting easier because you have to push harder when you get better and it just makes…
  • I wish I knew how many calories I burned off in a workout. I know it's a respectable amount. 739 though! On the regular Plyo, not the MAX right? I had a pretty good week! My weight, somehow went up .2 lbs, but at the same time I lost a little off the waist, and I ate pretty flawlessly during the week! My guess is that I…
  • Well, its late Friday night and I'm anxious to see what this week's work brought me. I ate really well the entire week, as I did last week too. Back & Biceps went better too. I didn't get as much water as I should be getting though, so I'll work on improving that next week... other than that, the workouts all went good and…
  • Had a really solid workout today with Pure Cardio. I did Ab Ripper X prior just because I like to take a shower right after Insanity workouts! 10 days in and I'm anxious to see what progress week 2 is going to bring me... as well as this entire phase! I love the fact that I've gotten to the point where if I don't workout,…
  • Week two is officially up and going. I had a good Chest, Shoulders & Triceps workout yesterday and noticed that my push up count went up in every set. I didn't think about it at the time, but I think doing all those extra push ups from Insanity is going to really increase my upper body endurance faster than expected. It…
  • no problem. week one was pretty good. it's definitely strange having them all together when u're used to just p90x or just insanity. i lost a few pounds and a little body fat, so, so far, so good. i think after a phase is completed, i'll be able to really see what the benefits are...
  • Insanity will make almost anyone feel like they're out of shape. When you get into the videos, you'll see how tired even those 'fit' people are doing the workouts which is actually pretty cool. It makes you realize, well if they're tired, you know it's gotta be brutal. I did 6 weeks of it and then switched back to P90X for…