

  • Lochlyn_D
    Lochlyn_D Posts: 492 Member
    I hear you bro, I'm so sick of people talking about starvation mode. It's all a load of B.S in my opinion, or the whole "Your body will start burning muscle instead of fat" LIESSSSS, your fat is there for when your body needs it, that's the whole point of fat people. Your body will only start breaking down your muscle tissue once it's fat reserves are gone.

    100% true!!!

    Actually, not true. Your body will lose muscle if you are not getting enough nutrients and protein to keep what you have. It doesn't necessarily 'break it down' for energy, but you lost the amount of muscle mass and the strength that comes with it. Starvation mode is just misunderstood, but it is a real thing.

    I think I'm gonna go with my doctor on this one but thanks for playing.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I think some people are just jealous that we have the willpower not to stuff our faces all the time.

    that's probably it. but still, it's weird that it's always the people furthest away from goal that say stuff like this. i rarely see someone say this that has lost a ton of weight and is at or near their GW.


    It was a joke. Time to lighten up. Why don't you eat something. You seem hangry.

    there is some truthiness to this

  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Pssshhhhh...I like to eat. I still lose weight.

    Go do what you want.
  • InsanityMan84
    Let's try to clear something up. Starvation mode is when your body attempts to keep and/or store fat because it is not receiving the amount of calories or nutrients it needs. That does not mean you will not lose weight because weight doesn't just come from fat, but from muscle and water retention. If you are working out long term at high intensities, 1200 calories will not be enough to maintain the muscle and as a result, you will lose muscle and weight. This will not take place right away, but over time. You do not necessarily gain weight in starvation mode, but may gain body fat. 1200 and 1500 is the lowest recommended intake for women and men respectively, but remember, if you're looking to get fit, get strong and be healthy in the long run, it will not suffice.

    When it says to 'eat more' it doesn't mean just eat more calories, but eat more healthy food. Eat more protein, more fruits & vegetables especially. I've been up and down several times and it took me until now to finally 'get' the deal with food and nutrition. I eat close to 2000 calories at a 40/40/20 ration of Carbs/Protein/Fat. I'm doing P90X - Classic. This is the first time I've taken what I eat straight out of the nutrition guide and in 30 days, I was down 16 lbs. The weight loss is great and I've NEVER lost that amount, that quickly, but that's not what you should aim for long term, but rather look at body fat percentage! That's the true indicator of your health and fitness level. In those same 30 days, I was down about 4.5% body fat and now, after 6 weeks, I'm down 6% - 4 inches off my waist!

    To lose weight you must create a calorie deficit, yes, but you must also get enough calories to keep your body functioning at a high level in order to perform it's tasks. You must find that balance of calories and nutrient ratios that fit your activity level. This is also key to losing FAT while maintaining the muscle you have. If you do not, you WILL lose lean muscle. Remember that muscle burns fat! Initially, 1200-1500 may work well, but after some time has past, you will need more calories of HEALTHY foods to maintain high performance. Food is FUEL for your body and that's the way you have to see it in order to understand why it's so important to eat right. Performance athletes eat ridiculous amounts of calories daily during training: Michael Phelps 10,000 to 12,000 a day! There's a extreme example, but a point well made. Consider actors who prepare for roles where they must look the part: Henry Cavill (new Superman movie [Man of Steel]) 3500 to 5000 calories a day depending on what the goal was. My point is, if you FUEL your body with the best foods, you will not only perform better, but look and feel better because you are getting enough of all the vitamins and nutrients you need. You will not get that at 1200 calories a day and that's a fact. I'm not saying you need to eat like the examples I gave you, but understand that it's about QUALITY, then quantity and for most people, it's over 1500 calories and something closer to 1800 to 2000 long term.

    "Starvation Mode" is not a 'myth,' but rather it's a misunderstood and often misinterpreted term. I hope this helps.
  • girlbiker61
    Please do everyone a favor and educate yourself. It was painful to read through very poor grammer and spelling to try to make sense of what you were trying to say. And the facts are you are very wrong in your opinion. Yes it is true that 'Starvation Mode' is somewhat misused and over simplified, but the core physiological ideal does indeed exist. It is studied and PROVEN that you can in fact have some effect on your own metabolism. For the better or for the worse.

    If you don't know what you're talking about, it's best not to talk! Or better yet, ask questions and read ... you just may learn something.
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    bump to read later
  • girlbiker61
    Read InsanityMan84 ... you may learn something there if you simply open your mind.

    A mind is like a parachute, it only works when it's open ~ Frank Zappa
  • skparker2
    skparker2 Posts: 132
    I hear you bro, I'm so sick of people talking about starvation mode. It's all a load of B.S in my opinion, or the whole "Your body will start burning muscle instead of fat" LIESSSSS, your fat is there for when your body needs it, that's the whole point of fat people. Your body will only start breaking down your muscle tissue once it's fat reserves are gone.

    THANK YOU! I seriously have been confused about the whole "starvation" mode dealio. I started to believe the hype...but...when growing up, I've been told that THAT is what all your excess fat is for. Like eats your muscle, then your fat. THEN you will starve.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member

    And by starve I'm not talking about feeling hungry...I'm talking about starving your body or proper nutrition...
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I've been eating between 800-1050 calories a day since December (Doctor supervised of course and I had WLS in March) Not only am I not in starvation mode.. but I've also managed to maintain all but 1/2 pound of my lean body mass during my most recent 80 pound weight loss... so all of that "your body is going to just eat up all the muscle instead of fat is NOT TRUE if you have a LOT of fat to lose and you are eating enough protein and you're doing at least a little strength training, your body will eat the fat.. that's WHAT IT'S THERE FOR! I choose my foods wisely and get 70-90 protein grams a day and make sure I'm getting all my micronutrients as well.

    There's a HUGE difference between a VERY obese person who has a lot of fat stores eating at under 1200 calories and someone of normal or near normal weight doing so.. and also you really shouldn't do it for a prolonged period of time without being under a doctor's supervision since unless you are meticulous about planning your menu, it's REALLY hard to get all your nutritional needs met on 800 calories and you don't want to become malnourished.

    You did it right and were supervised by a doctor.
  • skparker2
    skparker2 Posts: 132
    I read about half way then had to stop due to the complete lack of proper spelling and punctuation. I will not read one giant run-on sentence. At some point we are required to breathe.

  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    The funniest part is that most of the MFPers telling you to eat more are 20-something YO MEN. Nobody can metabolize like a 20-something YO man. They burn calories like they're on fire. I don't know how any of them ever get fat. They have to be working hard at that!

    Anyway, size, gender, age, condition, lifestyle-- all play a part in how much or how little you have to eat to lose weight. Nobody can tell me that I should eat like a 20 YO man to lose weight.

    I don't hold with bro-science.

    I used to eat more-- and I weighed more!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I think some people are just jealous that we have the willpower not to stuff our faces all the time.


    ...for, uh, whatever...

    ...I'm just in.
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    The funniest part is that most of the MFPers telling you to eat more are 20-something YO MEN. Nobody can metabolize like a 20-something YO man. They burn calories like they're on fire. I don't know how any of them ever get fat. They have to be working hard at that!

    Anyway, size, gender, age, condition, lifestyle-- all play a part in how much or how little you have to eat to lose weight. Nobody can tell me that I should eat like a 20 YO man to lose weight.

    I don't hold with bro-science.

    I used to eat more-- and I weighed more!
    cause I wasn't fat right?
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Best information I've read on the subject:

    I'd read the link BusyLady posted. :smile:
  • InsanityMan84
    I hear you bro, I'm so sick of people talking about starvation mode. It's all a load of B.S in my opinion, or the whole "Your body will start burning muscle instead of fat" LIESSSSS, your fat is there for when your body needs it, that's the whole point of fat people. Your body will only start breaking down your muscle tissue once it's fat reserves are gone.

    100% true!!!

    Actually, not true. Your body will lose muscle if you are not getting enough nutrients and protein to keep what you have. It doesn't necessarily 'break it down' for energy, but you lost the amount of muscle mass and the strength that comes with it. Starvation mode is just misunderstood, but it is a real thing.

    I think I'm gonna go with my doctor on this one but thanks for playing.

    Notice I didn't say it will burn muscle. Muscle must be fed protein and some carbohydrate for repair and some excess for mass gain. When you do not get that, your performance will suffer, as will your muscle mass and strength. "Starvation Mode" is just a misunderstood and often misinterpreted term or concept (as I said in my longer post here). Furthermore, I am and I hope you are aware that you CAN burn muscle for energy, but it usually only happens in distance runners or people who have eating disorders and conditions. I hope that I'm clearing up any misunderstanding that my previous post may have brought on. On a side note, your standard Doctors may be educated in general health and diagnostics, but are not fitness experts nor nutritionalists - the two fields that deal with this issue specifically. Just something to consider. We're here to help each other, not belittle others or be so callous as to have a condescending attitude.
  • longtimeterp
    longtimeterp Posts: 614 Member
    That still puzzles me! I've never heard of this till this year. I wonder at what point does you body start using my fat stores if I'm eating all these cals! Maybe I'm missing something idk!

    From what i understand, the body is shuffling fat in and out of fat cells as energy all day, which is why in a calorie deficit (assuming you are not eating all fat), you are replacing less fat than is burned, hence the fat loss...
  • dlschwart
    dlschwart Posts: 1
    Here is the problem, maybe some people can live on a 1200 calorie diet eating celery and carrots for the rest of their lives. Most people can't. So, you need to learn how to balance exercise and food so that you have net loss. Yes, if you eat nothing you will lose weight. When you start eating again, you will have taught your body to store as much fat as possible, not build muscle. That is why most people end up on a weigt loss rollercoaster. I know, I did it. Down 40, up 50, down 100 up 50. I am doing it right this time and it does not involve lettuce for the rest of my life. My weight has not changed in three months but I am donw two inches in my waist and up four in my shoulders. You figure it out.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Embarrassed by the ignorance....

    To lose weight you simply need to eat below a maintenance level of do not have to "starve" yourself or eat bird seed or any such ****. Most people can eat far more than they think they can and have no real concept of what their maintenance calories they think they need to net to 600 calories per day to lose weight. It's pure ignorance; nothing more, nothing less.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member

    This is how I felt. Without paragraphs I can't even read myself to concentrate on the whole thing. But it's ok, it's mostly crap anyway by the sounds of the replies.
    Nobody has said you wont lose weight at 1200 calories. But you can lose weight healthier, learn better skills to maintain and not be a hungry, angry, bubbling ball of hate due to constantly being hungry if you eat a little more.