You can do it, I am on a very long journey my self and I have dwindled off several times but I am determined not to gain back what I have lost, so I am focused again as well.
Wow, talk about inspiration, thank you for sharing!! You made me realize I can reach my goal as well. I have set my first goal as 100lbs the I have 85 more to go to reach my long term goal.
Congrats on the weight loss!!!!!!!!!!!
Great Job, Temptation is the worst!
i know that had to suck, been there congrats on your achievment!!
Totally awesome Job dude!!
Congrats on all your hard work and your acheivement!!
congrats can't wait til I hit the 2's But I have a little further to go I am trying to get to the one's. One step at a time thought 2's first:smile:
Yes, that is pretty much what I'd come to the conclusion to do but it still sucks!! Thanks for the advice though.
I prefer the dial because there is less room for error. It gives me the same weight every time I get on it. So I just presume I was 14 lbs heavier than I thought in the first place. Because I can see the difference in the way my clothes fit.
Wow you really do look great I know that was a lot of hard work, keep it up!
That's right, don't give up. I tried losing weight before and gave up when I got to a point where I was not losing and I regret it because by now I could have been that much closer to my goal if not there. I am just starting out as of last week again, so far, I have lost 5.4 lbs. All I can think is I can't wait til my…
Looking good girl!!!
Nevermind, I see, you have done great.
You really do look great. I know that was a lot of hard work. How long did it take you?
Yeah, I am trying to lose as much weight as I can by July as well, I am going to be in my brother's wedding and I want to be a lot smaller than I am right now. I know I can't reach my goal weight by then but I am going to my best to exercise and eat healthy so that I can lose as much as it is possible by then.
One day does not cancel out your many days of hard work. Get back on the band wagon the next day. All is not lost.
That's a negative, Kick'em to the curve